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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. And it’s very different having your own place with no restrictions on times in the day. If you want to shut the door and live life at your own pace then you can. And have your own garage and garden etc
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  2. Yes. But not unknown. 2019 I was out discovering some great roads in February, was hitting 20s. A month later it was cold. We are in dep 19, a few minutes from Dordognshire..
  3. finishing off the "Jaguar Master" vile stuff, Covonia is probably cheaper. decided to add milk - it's now a homemade Baileys. :)
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  4. Drove into Birmingham with the lad, in his MX5 as he’s still too young to drive on L plates in it. Bought a few items of clothing, then took him to a different climbing wall in the city.
    Got home changed then out to an Italian restaurant for a slap up meal.
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  5. We are in dept 16 near Confolens.
  6. Currently stripping the dishwasher down to see why it’s chucking a fault code, these things really do pick their moments.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Enjoyed an evening with the person who is important in my life. The fact that I’m bladdered is irrelevant :D I wish you all, that you would wish for yourselves. The moment is now, live it as full as you can. Andy
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  8. My dishwasher has been functioning in that role admirably for the past 22 years, doesn’t chuck out fault codes though but looks angry when about to blow a fuse. I found bottles of Wine and a chocolate go a long way to fixing the short fuse it’s fitted with. Good Luck:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Just lobbed the contents of our full English in the oven. In about half an hour it’ll all be ready, and I’ll take all the praise!
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  10. Do you do delivery :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. DB I'm sure he does, but if he delivers anything to you in that M5 thingy he's just got, in all likelihood, most, if not all of it will have been shot all over the inside of the car, by the time he gets to you and thereafter, it won't be worth eating...... :scream::eyes:
    An observation on a potential 'driving-approach'!o_O
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. Yesterday was a trip to watch Glos, crap game but a win in driving rain with two neighbours. Few beers. Plenty of banter. Home by 1930. Bed by 11! Soon off for a midday walk for a few miles. Day 1 of 10k steps and no alcohol for January. It’s a start anyway!
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  13. Of course! It may be a bit cold by the time I get to yours though!

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  14. your gonna need a bigger plate..
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. Nursing one mother of a hangover after a party and knees up with friends last night

    Might just go back on the beer and be done with it.
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  16. Yeah I’m just on the sofa watching only fools. Can’t be arsed to have a shower or get dressed, so might as well crack open a cold one or ten!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Ahhh…the old dry January…
    Was thinking about doing this, but as I finished my last whisky at 3am on the 1st of January, I already seem to have failed.
    Oh well :beer::beer::beer::beer::upyeah:
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  18. Well she called me a see you next Tuesday for the second time in 13 years last night so I won’t push it :grinning:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  19. Finally got around to fitting the DP carbon clutch protector I bought 3 weeks ago. Couldn't believe what a faff it was getting all the fairings off to get access to the bolt under the EU 5 noise cover. A job that probably would have been 15 minutes on a 916 took an hour and a half (first time removing fairing on the Bayliss).
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  20. Prepped veggies for dinner
    Put washing out
    Got dressed
    Took little mini for a run
    Nice quiet roads bloody drive through closed :mad:
    Home and made my own coffee you smucks
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