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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I can't quite get my head around why on earth you would stuff yourself with processed shite and saturated fat, then have to go through the indignity of having to visit a ghastly gym to burn it all off, did that sound a bit sanctimonious? :rolleyes:
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  2. Coz it tastes good, feeds my inner genetic desire to feel sick after eating and my guilt triggers driving low self worth and esteem. Plus no beer this weekend ;-)
  3. Today I bought a new tv, to replace the old CRT/valves one. Today it was £200 pounds cheaper than yesterday. That'll do.!

    i should be able to access more than bbc one, two and itv now....... Is channels 4 & 5 worth the wait?
  4. I concur. How that dickhead ever became a 'name' is totally beyond me.
  5. True ! Reckon his Dad paid a few people. '
  6. I've just done 7 miles on my mountain bike [​IMG]

    This afternoon I am going to see my grandson and this evening I am going to the theatre to see Warhorse. [​IMG]

    Tomorrow I am off to Turkey till Wednesday [​IMG]
  7. Making your own pizza is a piece of the proverbial.
    Buy a jar of tomato sauce (with basil is best), some flour (you'll already have that) some dried yeast, a lump of mozzarella and whatever you fancy having on your pizza (peppers, mushrooms, ham, anchovies, salami - anything).

    Waz about 300g of flour into the food processor with a teaspoon of salt and a packet of dried yeast. You can put in 600g if you fancy making a double quantity, so that you can freeze the dough for the future, when you won't even have to make that. With the blades running, pour in some lukewarm water, slowly, down the funnel until the flour turns into a single ball. Watch the ball whizz around in the food processor for a minute. If you've overdone the water (sticky dough) add a bit more flour.

    Open a beer, uncork a bottle of red. Put the oven on to about 200°c. Do something else for about 15 minutes. Spread a bit of olive oil around on your baking sheet or tray.
    Then roll out the dough (unless you can do that spinning pizzaolo thing - which you can't or you wouldn't be ordering shite from Dominos) into something that looks as if it might be a pizza - thinner is better.

    Dump the pizza base on your baking sheet. Gloop about half a jar of your tomato sauce on it. Spread it around. Chuck your pizza topping goodies on it. Add some ground black pepper from the mill (not that white sneezing powder that lives in your cruet). Then rip up your ball of mozzarella and strew randomly over the thing. Put it in an oven for about 10 minutes - the base needs to be crispy, and you still want the cheese a bit runny.

    Remove from oven and chow down.

    It's still probably full of calories, but it's about 1'000 times better than a takeaway pizza. It doesn't seem to be doing the Italians much harm. Once you've made a few of these, you can get it down to a few minutes to make one - probably quicker than ringing up for a delivered one. If you've frozen the dough, you can leave a lump to unfreeze while you're at work, then there really is nothing much to do at all.
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  8. Have you got a recipe for a haunch of venison? We've got 6 coming for lunch tomorrow
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  9. Probably, but I'd have to look it up.
  10. Am hour and a bit out on the MTB this morning, followed by half hr trying to clean the shit up off the tyre I picked up and didn't notice until I deposited large dollops in the garage and walked in it! No way I'm back in there for a few days. It honks!
  11. Went round to a mates to sort his gas fire. Had it serviced by a GasSafe engineer but the guy nobbled it in the hope of earning some extra bunce, and it wouldn't fire up. Mate is at work, but said get on with it and he'd meet me in the pub for a few beers. Job done, and I'm off down the pub...does he turn up? Does he fcuk:mad:

    Why do we bother doing favours for mates..?
  12. Drove down to Bristol to drop the forks off with JHS, drove back via Winchester to pick some bits up at Moto Rapido and then stripped my track petrol tank back to bare metal in preparation for painting. Got a St Andrew's dinner with friends later and we shall raise a glass to remember the people of Glasgow in their day of sorrow. Andy
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  13. Pushed my mum round Salisbury / it is too early to open a bottle of red ?
  14. Today I will be learning to post photos on here my i.t mates are up sorting my work computer
    As Im on the Guinness it could be Interesting.
  15. Do it.
  16. I spent part of the day in hospital with SWMBO, who broke her leg yesterday evening. Tibia and fibula fractured, now fixed with metal pins. For the next few weeks, she'll be hobbling round on crutches and I will be doing all the driving, fetching and carrying it seems. It's a stroke of luck that I'm now recovered enough from my operation of last month to be able to do it. I have to say the quality and speed of service from the hospital has been wonderful; good old NHS.

  17. Nice one.
    Two possible variations to consider, I like to mix the dough by hand, not in a processor, more hands on - when I cook I like the kitchen to look like I've been cooking!

    secondly, I like using a pizza stone to cook it on in the oven, gives the middle of the base a nice crispness, especially if doing very thin crust ones, with short cooking times.

    otherwise, agree totally home made pizza is the way to go,- cant beat em!
  18. Best wishes to Mrs 1950
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  19. Ouch! Gws Mrs 1950
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