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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  2. Photo shoot for Movember results ;-)
  3. Calendar available at all good retailers
  4. Recovering today from quite a mega piss up on Friday night after going to the NEC show ! Got in @ 3.30 am....
    Up at 7.30 for another days pheasant beating with my son, perfect hangover cure not , well at least I was away from my good lady wife who has the right hump with me !
    i feel right knackered and fighting to stay awake this evening :cool: no beers tonight !
  5. Have to make to with FB and the movember thread ;-)

    all donations accepted...stick them on Freaks page for Michael Bonney :)
  6. Sorry to hear that Pete. May she get well soon.
    It's when I hear stories like that that I am pleased to be a biker. I mean if you're going to break your lag going around your normal business, you may just as well ride a bike.
  7. Well, yes a stone is the way to go. But that's quite foodie, isn't it? Can't imagine many people having one of those (though I have considered getting one…)
    And it probably is better to do all the kneading by hand - but then you'd be better off making a quadruple quantity as it's no doubt considerably longer than using the machine. But once the dough comes out of the food processor I always give it a bit of a knead - it's a comforting thing to do. There is something about a dough with the right consistency which is hugely pleasing.
  8. Indeed. It's an eye-opener just how easily bones can break actually, if you catch them at the wrong angle. She was walking along a pavement, tripped, fell, and her bones broke just like that. Yet Marc Marquez can crash at 200mph and get away with hardly a scratch.
  9. He might be a bit younger than SWMBO, unless there is something you haven't told us… The young bounce better.
    Also older women are more prone to brittle bones.

    Even so, a young work college of mine once broke her leg really badly just getting out of her car in an icy carpark to go to a party. Mpnths of crutches.
  10. pizzavolume.png

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  11. GWS Mrs Pete1950 :upyeah:

    I've just come back from watching War Horse at the theatre. Absolutely fantastic and I'd thoroughly recommend it. Not just from the technical pov and how they make the puppet horses so realistic but also from a story telling pov and how chilling ww1 was.

    If you get the chance to see it, just go. You'll not be disappointed :smile:
  12. We took the train into London this afternoon stopping for a couple of classic cocktails at the Gilbert Scott bar in the St Pancras Hotel. Stunning place and generously alcoholic Negroni set me up for the rest of the day.

    Tube and bus to East London for some alfresco food at Hawker House, the winter venue for StreetFeast London. Pork Ribs for £6 from Smokestak were my favourite, though everything we tried was pretty good, and much cheaper than the drinks at least...!
    #8472 domRusty, Dec 1, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2013
  13. Did you shed a tear near the end?
    Go on. You can tell me.
  14. Had my morning coffee and opened my B/day cards from my girls
  15. Had my morning coffee and some cereal then the three "s"'s and then I'm off to the airport :smile:
  16. Three S's..? Blimey, you must be nervous.
  17. Three "S"'s all done. Now sat waiting for my colleague to pick me up. :smile:
  18. A shag, a shit, a shower and a shave - surely that's four s's?
  19. to day i have been learning to do this. 20131130_133210.jpg

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