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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I did toy with going the whole hog, but we probably have pizza once or twice a month, for the exact reason in your last sentence!
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  2. Went to Windsor Castle this afternoon, was gutted the chapel was closed. Then had a Thai dinner washed down with a couple of glasses of red.
  3. had great plans on waking but just did the usual mile walk in the end.
  4. Been bashing irons today. Some say golf is a good walk spoiled. But it’s a walk all the same.

    Played three times this weekend, walked over 21 miles.
  5. Bit too chilly for me today Doggy but looks like the end of our road (top of Hollingbourne Hill?)
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  6. Indeed it is. Thought I would come up Hollingbourne due to the A249 closures heading to Sittingbourne.
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  7. The beautiful goldfinch flock paid a visit this morning to the lavender. First time in a month or two since I’ve seen them. At one point there were ten of them on that one small bush. Beautiful.

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  8. Well I was supposed to be going to the dentists for a check up and to see the hygienist at 8am but I got a phone call at 7.30am saying the dentist wasn't going to be in today and so both appointments have been rescheduled for a fortnights time.

    So I've had breakfast and put the washer on. A little later I will try and find the plant fleeces and wrap my plants up as we are due frost/snow in the next 24 hours apparently. I might even lube the chains on my bikes if my hands aren't too cold later on.
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  9. The collective term is a Charm, which quite fitting for these beautiful birds.
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  10. Fleeces on over the plants/pots, after a fashion. Hopefully it'll do the trick over the next few days.

    It's much too cold to sit in the garage lubing the bike chains, so I've taken an executive decision to stop indoors, with the heating on, just drinking coffee, eating shit, watching The Handmaids Tale on TV and snoozing on the sofa. Job jobbed :)
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  11. MoT on the car later this afternoon and despite the cold, got to service the generator in preparation for BSB testing at Silverstone in a couple of weeks time. Andy
  12. Got my new helmet after writing off my brand new xlite 803rs in my crash at andalucia. I've used xlite for years but decided on going back to arai

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  13. A very disappointing day so far as i couldn't book a MOT for next week now:punch:, plus the van's on jacks at the minute with brake shoe problems:sob:. Plus Halfords didn't have the stuff that i wanted in stock:punch:............roll on tomorrow i say.:)
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  14. I got an MOT today!

    Snow allegedly enroute though, already a few inches in Scotland (but that may be on a mountain top?).
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  15. Blood test at the local hospital this morning and also had my blood pressure measured for the first time since my medication was changed. Delighted to see it’s a lot healthier ……. still a bit on the high side but much lower than it was :D Andy
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  16. ED6D64E5-76AD-4491-BB2E-56AA12BE6B85.jpeg
    Stripped this in preparation for the new bathroom.
    Very cold but sunny here today not the Armageddon weather bomb as promised by click-bait forecasters
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  17. Nice bit of knotty pine! Yeah sunny but cold -brrr brr in the shade.
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  18. I might roll the dice again tomorrow and see what unfolds 4 me.
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  19. It's been pleasantly warm and sunny this afternoon here though it's going off chilly now.
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  20. If the burglar has very LONG arms, he's in through that cat flap cover.
    #85320 XH558, Mar 7, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
    • Funny Funny x 1
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