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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Get a pair grafted onto your back and you'll make a million :biggrin:
  2. Meetings all day in the office in Warsaw, then a late set of flights back home via Munich. A bit tired now.

    Need to drain the coolant in the 998 and put fresh antifreeze in for the winter and sort the number plate light. Might have a crack early doors and do a late start tomorrow and blame it on tiredness :)
  3. A substantial amount of business.... (Around £150k) about to enjoy a well earned Scottish
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  4. Gotta temporary job this morning - and lost it this afternoon

    father xmas.jpg

    father xmas.jpg
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  5. Bloody loom, that's all the fettling for this year on the project:


    Roll on the New Year!! I'm off to get smashed!

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  6. mate i dont mean to be rude right, but you kind of get a mental image of people, and well, i recon i was bang on.
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  7. Been to work, last proper day of the year ! Had a curry tonight and a few beers nothing too heavy or hot !
    Now sat on the khazi having a dump ! Happy days !
  8. Made mince pies.
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  9. Traipsed aimlessly around Bluewater for hours.
  10. Started to cultivate a stye :frown:
  11. Ate something. First time in a week. I'm on the mend:upyeah:
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  12. Don't know what the day holds its early , jeez
  13. Yesterday I left the South coast in glorious sunshine and battled through bloody snow at Birmingham... ( yes, I know its a what have you done today thread but I immediately started on alcoholic defrosting liquid!)
  14. Don't go to Brum, stay in the beautiful south, is the obvious answer...
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  15. I was in brum all day, just saw rain. Cold and slippery last night tho
  16. Wantz1's turkey wouldn't fit in the freezer this morning

    So I've stuffed it in works fridge and turned it right down - :rolleyes:
  17. Euphemism alert...incoming
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  18. Ive managed to brush me teeth. Now i'm going to put some clothes on. In a minute.
  19. I resisted. Wish I hadn't now.
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  20. And now some big bang theory and update my sales records for this week...multi tasking at its best
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