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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I rode down to the New Forest this morning and had a mini tour around, then back home to see a mate for a few beers.
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  2. Changed my mind 20 times about if I’m selling the 1299 or not…then headed to ebay to check out 1260 multi’s after reading a thread on here about someone buying one from Superbike place :confused:: unamused::motorcycleduc:
  3. How did you get on, any bargains to be had???
  4. I found that at a number of stations when I rode down to Misano a few years ago.
    I learnt that there is a sign indicating which pumps are self service it became more noticeable by the queues at the self service pumps and the others not so
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    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Superbike place seems to be very well priced
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  6. A cheeky ride on the Smart today, i wanted another on the 998 but the backs not quite right yet, plus gathering in some oak / fruit logs.
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  7. Got back from a weeks holiday in Turkey.
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  8. Moved my daughter and her house mates stuff out of their uni house and into a storage unit . They are going to move it all into the new house in a few days time in her Ford Ka and a VW golf , good luck with that. Then popped up to the hospital to see my dad as it's been a couple of days and he's doing great walking to the loo with the help of a walking frame. Beer in the garden to round a tiring day off.

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  9. Splendid. You’ve earnt that beer.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Surfing off Gwithian Towan beach. I looked pretty cool-there are no photos to prove to the contrary!!
    • Funny Funny x 5
  11. That's what you told them, those books burn well don't they.;)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  12. No pictures to prove it did happen either :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Good to hear dad is doing great
    Very determined I see :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. You think that there are no photos to prove to the contrary…
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. 20240901_125731[1].jpg 20240901_134746[1].jpg Watched the Motogp sprint race this morning at 7am, just boring i'm afraid.!, removed the front suspension strut from the van as i think it's the top mount that's gone, plus an oil change on the old girl..............more grass cutting and log splitting with the back saying enough sit down with a few beers you idiot.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. A nice cycle this morning with a mate , then cleaned said bike. Washed my 765 as I got caught in the rain last week out on it. Just got back from an hour and a half out on the scooter. It's the first time the Mrs has been on any sort of bike since having our daughter twenty years ago. The last bike she was on was a gsxr600 k1 ! .


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  17. Ok ok pictures to prove my styly….

    • Funny Funny x 7
  18. Went to the "Oaksmere Italia" day in Norfolk. Lots of Italian four wheeled exotica and a few bikes, including my own and the wife's Monster. Plenty of stalls serving coffee, stone baked pizzas, pasta and more besides. Great weather and possibly the last warm weekend as we head into Autumn. All in all a great day out.

    20240901_115050.jpg 20240901_115725.jpg 20240901_120131.jpg 20240901_134313.jpg 20240901_134358.jpg 20240901_134407.jpg 20240901_134557.jpg 20240901_134610.jpg




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  19. Great fun road bike :upyeah:

    Have a gen1 09 which has been up for sale for a while , but I've been having a re-think and it's being put back into use as the winter hack.
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  20. I stopped the rain. I didn't mean to. I was enjoying it. It was perfect, like Rainy Night in Georgia, only not at night; in which all sins were forgiven, washed away - except, apparently, the one of hubris, of having the gall to think that I controlled the weather.

    It's probably raining all over the world except in Cheltenham.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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