So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Mines a gen 1 but I did a gen 2 facelift on it, brilliant bikes with one of the best engines I’ve ever ridden.
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  2. Went for a spin yesterday, humid. On way home i had to use M25 from A21 to J6. It was rammed. So filtered in 1st. By time I got home I had overheating error message up and when id stopped outside my garage, steam was coming off the bike and it spat a little bit on deck. First time ive had this, despite travelling from Langres to Calais in 38°C. Bike was fine previously, so I am putting this down to the humidity. I could feel it as I filtered. The heat on M25 was immense, so I guess lack of air in rad. Im only 2mins from J6, so never got enough room to run quick enough for the air to travel through rad. Still, its an excuse to take panels off tonight and refill coolant and give it a check.

    Edit:just noted thread about 'cataclysmic thermostat', fingers crossed.
    #91482 bootsam, Sep 2, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2024
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  3. Last warm weekend? Summer's just getting started!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Had a day out at Barry Island. Dog liked it.
    • Love You Love You x 2
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  5. Dinner at Rocca in South Kensington followed by
    for our 35th wedding anniversary
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  6. Happy anniversary to you and Mrs Grump
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Packing a bag ready for Wednesdays departure to Milan for two nights
    Train to Genova then ferry on to Corsica for a bit of mooching about.
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  8. happy anniversary
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. If anyone is wondering about going to see Hello Dolly! do it; fantastic production and Imelda Staunton is brilliant.
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  10. Happy Anniversary!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. We can only hope.:)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. 20240903_094028[1].jpg I just love this time of year when the above Canadian geese start exercising their wings. maybe a little early at the minute.
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  13. Just back from picking up my dad from hospital after his emergency hip replacement. He was in for 10 days and is now able to walk on crutches. Mug of tea and Moto GP on the TV so he's happy .
    • Like Like x 11
  14. What fantastic service and next week perhaps back on the bike.:p
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  15. Today I’m heading over to my old hometown of Hinckley, no reason just a ride out for the sake of it. Not been back in years.
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  16. That's great news :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Just given myself another haircut. I'm beginning to lose count how many times I've done this now.

    Now comes the period of anxiety trying to avoid going out until my sister can check out the back in case I inadvertently gave myself a mullet. Though in my defence however cackhanded I do the back, it's never been as bad as an actual mullet.

    Maybe I should go back to getting someone else to do it, but it's embarrassing when they politely refrain from saying "Well, you're not a slaphead yet sir... but you're getting there!"

    Every time I do it I wonder "Is this how they layer it?" though I seem to manage it. But when it starts getting long again it always looks lopsided (in all eleven dimensions).

    On past experience, in a couple of days I'll lop off a load more. It's a bit like mountaineering: eventually you're going to fall off.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  18. 20240904_145948[1].jpg Out for a quick ride when i spotted this happening, spoke with owner and he said after 5pm today over 300 BMW's rock up every year, i got my wires crossed as i thought he said it finishes at 5pm so i rockED up at 3pm had a pint then left.
    #91498 XH558, Sep 4, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
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  19. Where’s that?
  20. Painted the bits the decorator missed/‘forgot’ and he damaged the paint on the rendering I did last week. He did a shockingly bad job for £250 for 5 hours on site and we paid for the paint. I don’t believe we’ll be requiring his services in the future, painted more of the glass on the windows than I find acceptable so that’ll need rectifying.

    Adjusted the handbrake on my Sons MX5 ready for his driving test on the 24th September.

    Repaired the park brake on my Vito ordered brake pads for the rear.

    Took replacement wheel for Vito to have the tyre fitted from the cracked Steel rim after a pothole incident.
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