So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Chelwood Gate, just outside Forest Row.
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  2. What time did you go there?

    I was working around Hinckley this afternoon, saw a few bikes parked outside The Copper Kettle cafe on the A5
  3. Got there around 11:30 and left around 1:30. I was on the Panigale too! It’s changed a bit, I couldn’t remember my way around and I only lived there for 40 years :joy:.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. IMG_4912.png
    Today’s forecast in Milan
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  5. Ah... the perils of the ageing git haircut. I wore a ponytail for many years (yes, I know) up until I started losing it on top.

    So I went for a suave longish, wavy young wealthy European aristo look. A sort of Nick Cave/Christian Bale mash up if your will. And of course like most hopes & expectations it ending up looking bloody awful & more like an addled Ken Dodd/Krusty the Clown mash up : unamused:

    Although when wearing me tweed cap with the minor mullet waving gently behind in the breeze I do feel just a little urbane & stylish :cool: And if any one thinks otherwise well fugg 'em I say... ha!
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  6. I dream of a Ken Dodd/ Krusty the Clown type do….. best I can have these days is very similar to a hard boiled egg.
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  7. Sat in, waiting on Royal Mail, watching the heavy rain through my lounge window. Andy
  8. I feel we are losing the art form that is the comb over with folk kidding that a ponytail/egghead is superior.
  9. Oh the glory days of the comb over...

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  10. I gave myself one haircut prior to the lockdown that began this current trend. And it was a long time ago. I was about 18 or 19; I must have been high on something, as I was pretty much permanently in those days; possibly speeding, as it would be the more plausible.

    (It's pissing down now and a few distant bangs suggest thunder)

    Anyway, I had long hair. It was late at night, I'd gone home, I was bored, almost certainly getting fed up with the tangles and itching (for much of my life it was long, but I always washed it regularly). So I got the scissors and gave myself a skinhead.
    The next night in the pub people were shocked. People asked me why the drastic change, so I told them I was going in the army.

    I got bought a few pints. Lol.

    (Ah yes, the flash and crash has begun.)
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  11. Got the M5 serviced, and was pleasantly surprised that BMW charged me £90 less that they quoted. Then got home and had a reminder to tax the bloody thing!
    • Funny Funny x 4
  12. I've got the 21st century version and leave the top bit to the few wispy hairs that are left but the slighty more lush rearward middle piece can be disguised by the aforementioned suave wavy locks.

    I call it the comb sides... :cool: :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Just booked a holiday in Tunisia for next September, to cover mine and The Dragons 30th wedding anniversary
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  14. I've just booked a week in Turkey for me and Doris next spring :)
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  15. I figured Pierre Terblanche got the idea for the 999 headlights from the Lightning (possibly what with them being at Cape Town).

    Now I think I see where the SSIE fairing came from.

    I bet they're fast though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Good time to visit.
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  17. Had a Turkish for lunch.
  18. Been to Tunbridge Wells today collecting goods etc, thank christ i was in the Land Rover as the roads were flooded on the A264.
  19. Been clippering my hair since covid
    I do have hair fortunately but know what it's like to be bold :D
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