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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. This morning was Mot time for the MH.Only got a few yards on the bike till I found the road was covered in ice!glad the Garage I was going to was not far away,even the main road felt a bit iffy.Probably I was imagining it and was worried about dropping the bike.
    Good resul,at the garage-not only passed Mot,I have arranged for my old 1957 Triton to go in next week for an engine rebuild.The old girls last run was 3 years ago and she has been patiently sitting in the garage since.
    I am so looking forward to some time this year when I am able to take her out for a spin.Will report on engine progress if anyone is interested.:upyeah:
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  2. I've just been home for some antibiotics. Decided to mouthwash with Listerine, coughed and swallowed the lot. Nearly fucking choked. :frown:
  3. you lucky bugger, jealous ; )
  4. A young lady called Ginny asked me for my phone number, so I gave it to her. She wanted my input on how the London motorcycle Show could be improved, so I told her what I thought, and she gave me a free ticket for this year's show. I told her I loved her and she put the phone down...

    Anyway, if you go to the London bike show and it's full of loud music and scantilly clad bimbos, you owe me a pint:wink:
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  5. Be some alpine fresh trumping happening tonight then !!
  6. That started off as a limerick
  7. Went to my mates funeral today. Life is short. Caught an earache the Monday before xmas. Got meningitis the wednesday and switched life support off friday, all in one week. Few years younger than me. Top bloke, will miss him loads.
  8. Hurts to lose a friend, especially to lose them to a bloody bug. Feel for you comfy.
  9. Thanks. I've been to the crematorium far too much this last couple of years.....today it was packed. Upwards of 200. Never seen so many VW's in one place. He was a specialist restorer.
  10. :frown:
  11. Yes... and no.
    I really like London (although it did piss me off frequently when I lived there - but I am made to spend most of my life in the country).
    No, Geneva has a sort of superciliousness about it that London doesn't have, because London is a lot larger. Even Belgravia or Chelsea aren't supercilious, they are just rich enclaves in a sea of greater poverty.

    But you are right about what happens to city dwellers. If you want to know more about this, read the Thinking Fast and Slow book that I am reading. It has been shown that something as simple as leaving a computer in a room with a £££ screensaver on it makes people more distrustful of others and more egocentric. This TED talk was particularly enlightening too:

    Paul Piff: Does money make you mean? | Video on TED.com
  12. Thinking of you and his family Comfy, so very nearly lost my son at 2 y.o. to meningococcal septicaemia (Meningitis), he's 21 in a couple of weeks.
  13. Been inspired :rolleyes:
  14. I'm a lucky survivor, had meningitis when I was 2yrs old. The kid up the road was less lucky. Only reason they knew, my mum says, was I went blind within a few hours of being noticeably ill.

    Sympathies to the family
  15. Today I will mostly be wading my way through a complicated design and build contract for a project we (think) we've been awarded and I will also be waiting to become a grandad for the third time :upyeah:
  16. Contracts for me too....then sales planning for this year. While the builder makes a lot of noise bashing things about
  17. about to offload my work :upyeah:
  18. And then back "on the game" :wink:
  19. Just wallowing in the satisfaction of having done a good job. No-one will notice of course, but I know, and that's what counts.
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  20. Errrrm, went and got some clearance stamps from various Head shed around my workplace, bit of a wild goose chase TBH, got all 23 of them now there like Pokemon haha, I need them to get out of here otherwise I will get disciplined lol, also went and done a 45 minute spin session legs are a bit tight now though, and then went to the shops to pick up my work smock/jacket with my new DZ flashes sewn on there!! and now I'm going to get some dinner!!
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