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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Got a bloody sore throat :(.
  2. the sat nav.?
  3. I have just been eating haggis with turnips. Surely I don't need to say why.
  4. Only tried Haggis once, it was hideous, no wonder they serve it with single malt
  5. Re-fit throttle and new bar ends to 900ssie, took off exhaust hanger to despatch as pattern for new ones to be machined c/o Motorcycle parts and accessories, took headlight off and took photo's for Hump to work the magic on. Now shall I have a beer or some vodka...... decisions
  6. I've just changed the front wheel Bearings on my Beetle with a big hammer and then copied Pete with Haggis tatties neeps and whisky gravy
  7. Had a very pleasant round of golf, on top of the Mendips today-excellent views, and tonite it will be a curry.

    Waitrose does not sell haggis round here.....

    whisky will be consumed, nevertheless, Balvenie Rum cask I think....
  8. I like haggis. I've eaten it at least twice in Knockando Distillery accompanied by the local product and prior to all the ridiculous dancing. A good night out.
  9. Got halfway towards getting my mates 748 back running, engine is back together and so should be able to put oil and coolant in tomorrow and start it.
  10. Well I think I must have got the right time to tell Mrs Mervyn about the must have bike.Did have a few questions to answer,but as I didn't get a no and promised to carry on clearing out more rubbish,I reckon that is a yes.Play my cards right and get another bike in the garage before my Triton comes back from its engine overhaul.Truth be known,Mrs Mervyn understands I have a problem collecting things,and does let me get away with a lot.:upyeah:
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  11. Contracted the plague
  12. You too !
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  13. Bought my 80 year old mom a new lightweight Vacuum cleaner. She is chuffed.
  14. Stood in the rain waiting for this to thunder by. Love the smell.

    [​IMG]DGAR8400 by sucofni, on Flickr
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  15. Yes! The smell! That is quite simply the best smell in the world.

    Well, you wouldn't want it in your house all day, but then you wouldn't want to eat foie gras on a daily basis either.

    What and where?
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  16. The what I'm afraid to say is a steam locomotive . That is the extent of my choo choo knowledge . I took my dad out to see it. He knows . The where is going up to shap summit.
  17. 1/10

    I'd have expected a bit more train-spotterish info than that (for the what). The name of the loco at least, especially as you were waiting for it and it didn't just breeze past unexpectedly!
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  18. I'm a bit of a sucker for a loco.

    I visited Didcot Railway Centre in October. I grew up about 4 miles away. I have to say that if I became super wealthy, I'd probably give them a wedge of money for restoration projects. I love what they do. If they had loads of cash, they could have loads of craftsmen doing stuff up. They have an enormous queue of locos to restore and no real way of doing it all.
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  19. Absolutely, no more that 50% the value of a non q plate, at the very most. Given non originality it needs to be around the £2k mark.
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