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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. You can't beat a smile for dealing with an a...hole.I have one living next door,everytime our paths cross I give him a cheery greeting and a smile-you can almost hear his blood boiling.:upyeah:
  2. I guarantee this bloke will take a swing at me before the end of the week. The power of a shit-eating grin is seriously underestimated...
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  3. I agree, a nice gay wink also gets them to boiling point pretty quickly, it seems to anger white van man :wink:
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  4. Last bit of painting (fingers crossed) and emptied a tin of fibreglass repair on my smashed seat. Be good for a spare anyway, just in case...
  5. Explain...whats the difference between a hetro wink and a gay one? Is it an eyebrow thing or finger to your mouth !
  6. Another pattern finished tonight, ready to go to the foundry:biggrin:
    gearbox plate.jpg

    gearbox plate.jpg
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  7. Just checked your site. Some interesting stuff on there :upyeah:
  8. Just 'nearly' finished putting my mates 748 back together after we changed the stator, we literally need to put the battery on, fire it up and then top the oil level up and we should be good. Can't wait to get it out my garage and have some more space in there!!
  9. As you wink with your right eye move your head from right to left, that's a gay wink!
  10. are you sure? that's how i always do it.
  11. If I tried that at my age it would probably come over as 'weird' not gay.Perhaps I should practice it on Mrs Mervyn first and gauge the response.:smile:
  12. Be careful with that. She may think you have a brain clot coming on and up your insurance..
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  13. thanks for sharing your webpage, nice bikes, great skill, ta kev
  14. I have one too. Are you me? :tongue:
  15. image.jpg

    Today we have mostly been doing this!

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  16. Popped into the office / they wanted me to help load a curtain sided arctic / said 'I'll pass on that '. Or words to that effect So went round a few agencies in town and spent some time in Cafe Nero [​IMG]
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  17. Watching people snowboard ?
  18. Can't be either of us.We ride Ducatis so we must be nice:upyeah:
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  19. That looks great fun.I wouldn't bounce very well though.:rolleyes:
  20. today, I have mostly been fighting the ebay developers api and offending people here.
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