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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. they do look pretty tho!

  2. Ducati red?? :biggrin:
  3. I always thought that, in the film script, the purpose of Harry Lime's ill-informed and nonsensical speech about the cuckoo clock was to demonstrate what a bloody fool the Lime character was.
  4. another day another interview

    though on a plus point they had 80 applications I was one of five who've got to interview stage

    now I'm off out on the piss with me old work colleagues -expect random ramblings later
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  5. Mrs Mervyn informs me that one of the under kitchen cabinet fluorescent lights has gone.Not a problem I reply,we have a spare tube in the understairs cupboard.She has a quick look and tells me it's not there and is probably in the loft.No it's not in the loft.I then go into the garage-no not there.At this stage I am beginning to doubt my sanity and whether we do have a spare tube.
    Bugger it,I will order up some spare tubes,they will always come in use for the future.
    Tell Mrs Mervyn I have ordered the tubes and she says to me.'when they come I will put them in the loft,just inside the trapdoor '.I reply that I think that is a wacky idea,just put them in the understairs cupboard.I am now told 'they will get damaged if stored in the cupboard'.Now for the crunchline-I tell her that as the tubes come in a stout cardboard tube they won't get damaged.Mrs Mervyns jaw drops,and if by majic,she retrieves a cardboard tube from the cupboard.............doh.
    Pretty much a typical day for us.:upyeah:
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  6. WFH so in between admin, sales calls, chase calls, weekly updates and the other usual friday stuff, every 45 mins I've been ducking in the garage to add a coat of lacquer. Emptied and can and a half on the stuff. Now just to leave it alone for a bit...and feeling a bit sick from the fumes bleugh
  7. Got some new boots. Thought I'd treat myself as my other boots are about 10 years old and had it.

  8. So basically a day of pissing around aka "working from home"
  9. Someoe has to do it...
  10. More double yellow lines in aldershot could be frimley Monday
  11. I've been to Switzerland for hot chocolate and lunch later. :upyeah:
  12. Got rid of the kids. Just put a massive Indian away. In the cinema waiting for jack Ryan to start. Hopefully kiera knightley and her chin/pout won't ruin it.
  13. Ebay or Gumtree..?
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  14. Close to closing down the murder room

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  15. Meetings at work interspersed with trying to sort insurance, posted number plate docs to Snells, squash lesson at 1630, Indian takeaway. Living in bed thinking about sleep, but on duty with SERV Wessex so half expecting a call to collect/deliver some blood or samples.

    Seven more sleeps till I can collect the new bike :)

    Nite !
  16. Not sure...they weren't there when I got home from work....

    Jack Ryan: OK, but KN can't pull off an American accent for shit. Not in the same ball park as hunt for red October....
  17. They look pretty good, are you going to clearcoat them?
  18. I have. And it bubbled loads of the paint! Thinking it wasn't fully dry after 2 days...tbh the pictures don't do it justice lol

    the one main pisser which will be noticeable in pics I fear is the bellypan has taken a different red. I used a filler primer, which was beige, where on the rest I used grey or white primer. And it has made the red come out slightly burgundy. But...I need to get back on track so it will do for now, likely it will need repairing quick enough anyway so I'll sort it then ;-)

    But cost (apart from time) has been 5 cans of plasiticote at 5.99 (full white, half red left), 2 build primer about £20, 1 large primer 7.99, about a tenner on assorted sanding stuff, another tenner on some repair filler and f'glass (body filler hardly used), £1.99 on trim tape and a £18.74 halogen heater which will now be used in my van. All in around a ton. Not too bad.
    #9660 bradders, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
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