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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Have you tried a 'Sherman'..?
  2. I've watched the winter olympics this morning then I have been catching up on lots of TV I missed last week.
  3. [​IMG]

    Continued the CBR disembowelment. I can only work on it for short periods until things get too uncomfortable, so I have to peck at it when I can. Hoping to drop the engine out next week, and have the chassis complete stripped by the end of the month
    #9803 philoldsmobile, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
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  4. Few miles on the bike was nice, altho Storrington and Fittleworth are the new Atlantis!
  5. After a very enjoyable dirty ride on an MTB in the morning. Then had to see what problem has beset our septic tank (oh, the price we pay for living in a lovely village). Getting the pump out for a good clean, that's enough detail....... I think alas the water table is just too high.
  6. been out on the mountain bike, no motorcycle action here
  7. Bugger that. I live a mile outside of Oxford, street lights, mains gas and proper drainage and a beautiful city with all it's culinary and cultural delights within walking distance. You can keep your villages with your septic tanks, LPG and nosey neighbours.
  8. Dragged 2 sets of leathers out and cleaned them and fed leather, same with boots and gloves and then cleaned both lids. Dunno who I am kidding though, weather is fookin shite so they will be clean a while longer.

    Made a list of bits I want to pick up at the Bike Show next weekend.
  9. This morning was spent at my weekly Yoga class where I also enjoyed some harmless mutual flirting with my teacher.She does have good bone structure:wink:.This afternoon was spent on repairing and painting a wind vane that the recent storms had broken.also ordered a front wheel chock for the Triton.
  10. I've been talking to space cadets.
  11. Recovering after spending Sunday night road marking at itchen bridge Southampton , just done gym and still want panigale or 999 R
  12. scratched my balls a lot.

    all three of them :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Fitted exhaust

  14. [​IMG]
    Sorry wrong pic earlier.
    Gratuitous additional pic now added lol
  15. Those 749's and 999's just get better looking each year.
  16. Stayed at home because we are cut off by floods. Consequently as a result of watching BBC news 24 the following rant came over me;

    Defence secretary whilst standing in the flood water locally this morning; "clearly there are ISSUES AROUND policy, around long term planning and around strategy that will have to be reviewed when all this is over". Allow me to translate this into English. What he means is when this is all over, we will forget about it and carry on squabbling in the house and enjoying lunches with Barclays executives.

    I could live with the flooding that mother nature has sent us but they are taking the piss when people like him spout these patronising words whilst the next headline is "Barclays pay out £2.4billion" on bonuses for executives who already get paid grotesque salaries. Get real Philip Hammond. Its flooding because it has rained a lot! Go back to your office and send in the troops to help, cancel the military redundancies and do something about this culture of fat-cat banker salaries and bonuses. Taxing them would be a good start. After all, if you got rid of a thousand bankers (I can't imagine the unions taking to the streets over that) and used the money to pay soldiers, you could afford a million more soldiers and build flood schemes around those so-called ISSUES.

    Rant over!
  17. I am sure that after all these 'issues ' have been discussed,lessons will have been learnt.We,however,cannot make any concrete decisions for fear of upsetting voters.We will therefore carry on fannying around as usual,as we seem to do over everything.
    Be re assured though that the wheels are turning, albeit it a bit slowly,and we can see our way 'going forward'.
    One of the drawbacks of living in a democracy perhaps?
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  18. Id just like to add to this that if you think I had bad luck my mate at work was rubbing his hands and then waiting with open arms to take my 660 off of me. He had 4 goes on it before it got knicked along with 2 trials bikes. Shitter. And just to rub salt in the wound he found out 3rd party who did it and where they went (local Pikey site) and the plod did nothing after he gave them names as well, and then the final kick in the teeth was after 10 days the plod phoned him to tell him the case was closed.
  19. You missed out "we're all in this together" Merv!
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  20. Just seen Ed Milliband on the news.Part of his statement to the press about the flooding 'This is a wake up call',
    so there you have it,our politicians have been sleeping for the last 6 weeks.
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