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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Went in to London today with the family, lovely weather, kids loved the live statues in Covent Garden

  2. Got out on the bike today and was told by an old boy at the traffic lights that my bike looks "f...ing stunning".

    Very pleasing ;)
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  3. Just call me Broken Arrow, I've been on the smash all night, feel like crap now, but in a good way:upyeah:
  4. Well today for my birthday my girlfriend is taking me to either Nassau Bahamas, Havana Cuba or New York City for the day or 2, gotta shower & shave then we are off to the airport...I definitely want beach time lol!
  5. Had a run upto Braemar, the roads were mostly dry, it was great to get out

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  6. 120 miles on the numpty and then 2 1/2 hrs cleaning it and 2 cars. But means I got all the FS stuff off and ACF 50'd it, as well as yet another soaking (sigh) of the chain. Needed WD to clean rear wheel from all the lube on it. And who says I don't maintain em...just done hr in the gym and feeling fecked so bath, roast and early night :upyeah:
  7. wasted another day on the couch. bikes 30 miles away at work. braemar looking good i could easily been out the day. bollox
  8. The day started pretty badly as per usual,but thankfully the sun was shining and I got to play in the shed.trying to sort out what to keep and what to get rid of.Hoping to get the shed cleared in the next couple of months so it can then be demolished and replaced with something nicer/bigger.
    Made baked chicken with Dijon mustard,Tarragon,with a Polenta crust.That's a few more Brownie points.:upyeah: P1010080.jpg

  9. spin out on the bike, breakfast with a few like minded others, home for a bit of painting, followed by a lovely roast, walked the dog and now knackered with a beer on the sofa
  10. The flooding has got me fretting, so today, I got off my ass to do something about it.

    I installed a couple of dykes


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  11. Today I have been up north to visit my dad in hospital. On the way back I got a text from my mate Dangerous Jim (or rather his other half) saying he'd high sided his bike and was now in hospital with two broken arms. :frown:
  12. and a cple of broken legs when he gets home...
  13. On Friday I went to the London bike show, where I bought a new hat...

    photo 3(2).jpg

    Yesterday I went to a 50th birthday bash with an old friend, had a bit of a spat with a bloke called Andy the Murderer, on account of him murdering a couple of people:eek:. Then had to break into my mate's house cos he picked up the wrong coat in the pub and didn't have his keys. Naturally, the sight of three drunk, elderly fat blokes running at a hefty security door attracted the attention of the police. Equally naturally, Rob couldn't prove it was his house cos his wallet was in his coat, which was in the pub...

    Staggered back across the road to the pub to find Andy the murderer had returned and set about a woman. He's now back in prison (he was out under license) and won't be getting out again for a very long time. And Rob now has a hefty bill to pay for a replacement front door. Me? I spent the last of my beer money on Anadins:frown:

    photo 3(2).jpg
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  14. I, its the quiet life for me. :upyeah:
  15. FFS will he never learn :-/ Dangerous by name Dangerous by nature. Pass on my best wishes - and tell him he is a nob ;-)
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  16. Work, ride to Hilltop, work, home wash bike, drive to Compton Abbas but never got out of the camper as the cafe was clearly rammed so went to Udder Farm shop restaurant. Work, roast dinner, George Gently, Bed. Awake at four !
  17. Will do Dave :upyeah:
  18. I see guiness in the background - isn't that supposed to be strongbow? apologies if that scooter has already been ridden...
  19. 4 Tubs of this stuff at cost price.... oil.jpg

    Stupidly I believed the bike shop when they said they'd "done a full service" 3.7 litres in 2.0 litres out of chip pan oil. Its done 5.8k and in my opinion (for what its worth) I don't think the sump plug as ever been removed....

    Told me they "done the belts as well" - at this point belts are on order...

    And no that's not oil under the RSV - slopey driveway so the rain makes it under the door now and again...

    #9919 comfysofa, Feb 17, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  20. Popped into Aylesbury Ducati to look at their cheapest 821 Hypermotard.
    Looked tired & thrashed with 4.5k on the clock. Walked away.
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