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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. took the non ducati out to scrub in the new tyres. Across the bridge to the Forest of Dean, cake and tea at Symonds Yat rock. Up to gloucestershire, back through Cirencester stopped at the Thames Head pub for a coffee, watched a Lancaster bomber with the Spitfire and Hurricane on each wing fly over several times, then a fast jet, think it was a hawk, put through it's paces, followed by a display by the red arrows. Brilliant! The only downside was the traffic, everywhere, nose to tail, doing thirty in 60 zones!! for no apparent reason!! I guess a bank holiday and everyone's out because tomorrows weather looks appalling!
    Still, good to blow the cobwebs away and the tyres are all ready for Austria in September.
  2. Sailing's a bit bizarre. When it's all sunny and calm and great to be on the sea, you don't go anywhere. When the wind whips up and the weather gets foul, you scoot along getting cold, wet and seasick. I can sometimes see the attraction though.

    The strangest thing is that it's so incredibly complicated. You'd have thought that something so lo-tech would be simple. Can't even understand the jargon, like a sheet is a rope and not a sail. Are they just trying to confuse us landlubbers?
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  3. I'm easily confused and....

    I've often wondered, when does a boat become a ship?
  4. lol that's as close as you could ever get it! I was asked if I wanted to steer it after they tried to explain to me bits and bobs about how to sail. Several images ran through my head of the boat on fire and someone screaming "women and children first!". I politely replied "no thanks, I'm happy drinking my cidre" :biggrin:

    Had to laugh though as I was told how much horse power the engine was kicking out and realised that my old YBR 125 had more grunts! :tongue:
  5. Power the engine was kicking out?

    F*ck me, I didn't even realise they had an engine....and there's a marina in my home town too.
  6. Power washed my decking then 2 coats of wickes natural oak decking stain.

    One good thing about having a fucked bike is I get loads of jobs done!
  7. Bring your f*cked bike to mine then and get cracking :upyeah:
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  8. During the 80's I used to go on a regular weeks sailing trip on the West Coast of Scotland each summer which is as good to sail as it is to ride.

    Strangely too little wind was more often the case than too much.

    We sailed into Easdale once, stocked up on Gin and Tonic, wearing yellow wellies, and left.

    The highlight of the period was a trip to St Kilda, a truely special place.
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  9. Haha! How do you think they get into the berths/mooring points?!! Honestly Anth, get someone to take you out, it really is nice and relaxing...when you're not getting cold and seasick :upyeah:
  10. Today had a slow day. Had an argument with TK Maxx manager. Then went to watch MotoGP race. After race started massaging my Angus stake, after that put some sea salt on it and let it do it's wonder's. In the mean time put laundry going and watched another race. Then went to kitchen and started finishing my steak so pepper it both sides, massage in some olive oil mixed with bit of oXo stock. Started boiling my potatoes and making peppercorn sauce. I also made a beetroot salad. All that interrupted with occasional post on off-road issue ;). Pre-heated my grill and made my steak just over medium rear but well before well done. It was done at the same moment potatoes were, put some peppercorn on both, took my salad and went to watch moto2.
  11. Errr I'm not far from symonds yat I could have met you miss dafy
  12. I have some here when you finished
  13. Yes it is, watching the dolphins playing is surreal too.
    I'm ok as long as I don't go below deck then it takes 3 days to feel un wobbly on land again!!
  14. I didn't, but it's obvious now you've mentioned it :rolleyes:
  15. Was going to go to Cadwell but found out I need to Skype with some Australian this morning about business. Hoping this will happen very soon so I can get my arse in gear and get out of the house :rolleyes:
  16. Oh yes.... Its only a sprint length, but its still going to be tough....
  17. I had no idea! It's a run I really enjoy so will repeat it I'm sure and hopefully the '30 mph everywhere' brigade won't be out as well. Will let you know. Not out today except in full waterproofs walking the dog. Ho hum - bank holiday weather, don't you just love it.
  18. My daughter is doing her first triathlon next weekend in Midsomer Norton. That's a sprint distance. It was my first as well a few years ago. You're right, short but still tough. Once I'd started the run section I'd be thinking "I paid how much to enter this!?!?" but as soon as I was over the line I'd be 'When's the next!'
    good luck
  19. Give me a heads up and I can drive up to meet you next time your in the area it's around 25 mins from me and it's lovely up there
  20. Just finished day 2 of archery, great weather in Essex again today, lots of happy folks about. Next weekend it's the classic Porsche group there so another day of archery and nog will be servicing the ST whilst I'm busy.
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