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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Especially this one :upyeah:

  2. I just got chased and bit by a Special Forces attack dog. Those mother truckers can bite. I had a bite suit on though so it wasn't quite as bad as the real thing ;)
  3. I once volunteered to be the "target" for a Police Dog display:Nailbiting:, I'll never do that again, fuck me, it went fuckin ballistic , nearly tore me arm off :Dead:, and the suit wasn't much chop either, came up with bruises all up and down me arm! :Arghh:
  4. It was a lot of fun. I reckon if you had boots on and you didn't run you could easily defeat an attack dog. It's just the fear that dogs engender that causes problems. You'd have to get the boot in first though as once the dog has you you are f****d
  5. if a dog jumps at you cross your arms grab its paws flip it over you while spreading your arms it wont jump at you again or anybody else for that matter..
  6. :Jawdrop: Yeah Right!!! By the time you've grabbed it's paws, it's already chewing on yer face! :Wtf:
  7. i know, easier said than done. my neighbor told me this. he was a dog handler in the army.
  8. I have actually heard it before myself, apparently if you pull outwards hard/quickly enough it breaks the ribs and stabs the heart/lungs, but I don't think my arms are long enough. Also I have been told if attacked/bitten by a large dog, position yourself so you can force your arm down it's throat, and keep pushing, the Dogs natural gag reflex will stop it baring down on your arm.
  9. got to be confident with them. i aint know expert but have had a few noisy Alsatians back down when i have approached them. but these weren't trained attack dugs.
  10. like this?

    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. that's the ticket. :D
  12. I had an obnoxious Aussie on this morning claiming that we had a conference call planned at 8.30am. When I pointed out that the call was planned for next Tuesday at 8.30am and we had confirming emails to say so, he thought it was a good idea to play the "I'm the customer" card.

    Unless I am completely in the wrong that doesn't work with me. His contract price has just gone up.

    He eventually admitted he'd got it wrong, and grudgingly apologised, but now the call is at 5am GMT tomorrow.

    What a twunt. He's put me in a mood for the rest of the day :Rage:
  13. attitude tax?
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  14. The dog that attacked me is para-trained. He jumped on my back, knocked me over and proceeded to bite the living s*** out of me for a minute or two. A Belgian shepard or something. He is a big boy though and he isn't scared of getting some blood in his mouth, whether it's the bitee's or his own. Essentially he is a crazy sod and I think my only option would have been to kick him in the teeth before he got me. However, the fear and instinct to run would be hard to over come. I've seen dogs that size take 4 or 5 rounds of 5.56 before they die too, so shooting him wouldn't be guaranteed either. He also has a handler that's armed to the teeth so essentially, if they set the dog on you you're finished and you're going to get either bitten or shot. Your choice.

  15. Sit inside your car, doors locked and laugh at the dog?
  16. When I was a small lad of about 7 I was chased by a standard poodle.I can still remember the owner of the dog saying,he only wants to play,he won't hurt you.To this day I am still not comfortable with dogs when they are not on a lead.Great pity because I am sure most of them are no harm to me.
  17. dogbite2.jpg
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  18. poor dog leave him alone ya bully.
  19. He's tickling you Into submission-you can see rover smiling.....
  20. I'm off to the big smoke to meet Matt Brown and go and watch the BT Sport MotoGP program being recorded. I think we'll try and have a "best selfie" competition!
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