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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Enjoyed a morning of inductions 'we don't pack biscuits you know' was my favourite from the head of security :eek:
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  2. In my experience they tend to stay and implement their "improving" for about 9 months and then leave all the devastation behind to go and fuck up another organisation.

    You are then left with the three year task of returning things to how they were before.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I had a similar experience, and gave hated dogs ever since. I've lost count of how many people have 'introduced' me to their (somehow different) dog. To date they have all been horrible, frenetic panty slobbery irritating beasts. Don't like them, probably never will
  4. I had a similar experience, and have hated dogs ever since. I've lost count of how many people have 'introduced' me to their (somehow different) dog. To date they have all been horrible, frenetic panty slobbery irritating beasts. Don't like them, probably never will
  5. I got a bit bounced by a dog when i was about 4 or 5 and was a bit nervous of them for a few months (seemed like a long time, but it can't have been). That was cured when my old man came home one evening with a labrador called Sam. Sam was going to be used for experiments at the hospital physiology department, but my father thought that this was a bit poor and saved him by having us adopt him. He was very long-suffering with us small kids - but didn't like other dogs much.

    It might be a bit late now for you for this therapy, though I bet if you got a puppy, your dog fears would quickly fade away.
  6. This gets better! I woke up at 2.30am in anticipation of this call and dozed till the alarm went off at 4.30am when I get up properly.

    I get up make an espresso, get everything set up on Skype, log on to my work emails to find the twat has sent me an email during the night to say he had forgotten a meeting he had and now couldn't make the call and can we leave it as originally planned for next Tuesday.

    His "don't fuck me about tax" has just gone up again. :Rage::Rage::Rage:
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  7. It's sounding a bit like a buyer's market.
  8. He thinks it is. But if he does something different from us he will lose his investment and he knows it. He is jockeying for leverage.

    He isn't gonna get it all his own way. Fact. He just doesn't know it yet.
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  9. More pressies arrived today. Swing arm bearings, head bearings and other sundry items :) [​IMG]
  10. Had to put up with ridiculous, emotion-filled alleged salespeople over reacting, bashing their feet and showing just how dim they are. Time for a career change
  11. We've been diving (er, again) this time in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Nice local reefs with lots of coral and sponges. Nothing huge to see but plenty of interest nonetheless: highlights today were 1) seeing a squid out in the open for the first time, and 2) the curious looking Cowfish, which is browny-grey but when threatened changes to a silvery colour with neon-blue luminous highlights. Which makes it great fun to chase, just for a bit... :Angelic:
  12. Although I haven't done this today... I don't want to start a new thread just to say this....

    I'm super excited about coming home and being able to ride my bike. It may even be slightly higher on the looking-forward-to list than giving my baby daughter a cuddle. But only just.

    Edit: Also, I bought my new bike at the right time it seems... The prices have all jumped by around £500 since I handed over the readies.
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  13. you might find once your back and thinking straight you'll end up trading it in for something more engaging. :p
  14. It's getting ridden for 2 years then I'm getting an R1 :) so you're right in a way. I love Ducati I just can't be bothered with the hassle of owning one any more. Even Cal Crutchlow's bike has electrical niggles, I have got no hope.
  15. i know where your coming from, it can be a labour of love at times.
  16. You'll like the R1 especially if you get the cross plane crank version :upyeah:
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  17. That's what I'm thinking of. I want 2 years of unbroken fast road riding first though. I almost bought an R1 instead of the R6, but decided my riding ability isn't good enough yet. I will go hard and fast so I want to be comfortable with that. Bearing in mind I've only been in the UK for 5 months of the last 18, I need to get my head back in to it all.
  18. My cross plane crank R1 was awesome, as I've mentioned before on here. Absolutely stomped everywhere, in any gear. Acceleration and speed was obscene and you could get nicked and banned without getting out of first gear!

    I only p/x'd it for the Duc because it was coming up to three years old and I always change then. But I'd have another in a heartbeat.
  19. a mate of mine has one left out all year round kicks the sh.t out of it.sprays occasionally with silicon still v.good condition 10years old. says it all really
  20. You don't get it do you .

    The. Customer. Is.Always. Right.

    and should be put on a pedestal, and looked up to - a bit like this perhaps.....


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