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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. yup - the car has only done 50k but the inside has done 150k or it looks like that anyway....
  2. Gave the missus her MD present, then got up ;) and cooked her and lazy ass son a full English, now for some car cleaning and hopefully a walk in the sun this afternoon. Just dropped a codeine so feeling a little light headed...
  3. I find with a bit of elbow grease they always clean up OK, I'm not so bothered these days I only clean them about once a month.
  4. Yeah - its funny you should say that as some time ago she let them eat yoghurt in the car - one of them said she didn't want it anymore....wife said "well, throw it away then" I was sitting in the passenger seat when it connected with the left hand side of her head and exploded over the windscreen (inside that is)

    She wont say that again in a hurry....
  5. I banned chocolate from my cars many moons ago.
  6. Went out for a meal at my favourite Chinese in Salisbury yesterday, Martin had invited my sons and girlfriends as a surprise and we had a brilliant evening. Good spin out today on the bikes via Nelsons diner and Snells - re heated Chinese for tea as we took home a large doggy bag yesterday !
  7. bit chilly out to day. fins01 019.jpg
    a wee 200mls stopped of at the welly, a lot of bikes out today. got my self a glesga fry at the pit stop in arrochar then back up via inverrary good run bike play'd up a couple of times but again all good.
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  8. ^I'm jealous.

    I just tidied up my garage whilst trying to avoid watching LFC v TH (were winning). Been to tip and dumped loads boxes and old shite that accumulates
  9. maybe next week end boots.
  10. Washed and hoovered my car, the joys of white, prepped dinner and now its in the oven. Feeling sick from the drugs I took too....I hate drugs
  11. Hey Fin..........are you coming to see us when the Ducati Manchester group trip goes to Arrochar at the end of July??
  12. Fitted my new present from the missis!


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  13. 25 mile walk. sleep, wine, sleep.
  14. assuming i have managed to keep a civil tongue in my head and no one wants to kill me. eye.
    only done the kyle of lochalsh road a couple of times, might get some practice runs in first, don't want to look a complete weener.
  15. "Gave the missus her MD present, then got up ;)"

    So what did you get for the managing director........gold pens , rotary desk organiser ..........;)
  16. Yesterday was lovely. Nice and chilled for most of it. I kept out of SWMBO's way (my mothers day present to her ;)) while she prepared things for dinner with the family yesterday evening. Sons, wives and grandchildren arrived around 3.30pm and all hell broke loose with kids running around the place. :D

    I then played with grandson and granddaughter, we also watched "in the night garden" together (Whoever dreamt that up has a serious drug problem!). I spent a great deal of time holding the latest addition to the ET clan, (not so) little Zak who's nudging 18lbs at 10 weeks old :upyeah:

    And then the all left around 8.30pm, and it all went quiet again. :)

    I love it when they all come round but love it when they all bugger off again too :D
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  17. I can now walk in my garage without tripping over loadsa shite. Dumped old bed cushions from my campervan into tip. Removed so many old boxes and bits of packaging, I can now access my 916 which had become a shelf for the cushions. So now on lookout for some 108mm Brembo monoblocs once i pay my insurance which is due today. Got 1198 MOT'd for the 1st time on Saturday. Ive lost one of my ball end allen keys and typically the must used one. But now I can reverse the camper up to my garage ready for its twin carb and fat exhasut mod. Which should see me nicely going from 50hp to 55hp. Camper has a tickover issue. I suspect the carb is finished as Ive changed all the other suspects, timed him up and put electronic ignition on. Still doesnt tickover properly. Its hit and miss.Runs fine but doesnt tickover. Oh and going to add a hot start relay to the starter system too. Thats for this coming weekend now that SPRING is officially here and the evenings lighter.
  18. boot, you need to prioritize carb mods when you don't have a floor?
  19. I do have a floor. Its only the footwell on the drivers side that has some holes and the steps and the door. No point having a bus that doesnt 'tickover'. A new Pict34 carb is ~ £200. I picked up twin webber 30's and an exhaust for £200. I am replacing all the fuel lines as they are fire hazards as well as the fuel pump. I already have the money saved for welding. I just havent selected who thats going to be yet as there are a lot of charlatans out there. I'm multi tasking Fin. :p
  20. bring it up i aint expensive. two maybe three days in it. ;)
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