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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. ok what did you catch em nicking?
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  2. Googled the recuperation period of fractured radial head...and skim read and supplied two contracts, managed a difficult customer meeting and some planning as to how to close the next big deal...
  3. Fitted an alarm, carbon fly screen and hugger. Watched emmerdale and cleaned dog poo from the lawn.

    A good mix of technical, leisure and industrial activities.
  4. Flown a Chinook
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  5. Flown a chinook and watched emmerdale.
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  6. Have you been playing in the simulator?
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  7. smiled and sympathized with customers that have let there mots expire all fing month and surprise surprise they are all on holiday but still need there car yesterday. i tell them every f..king year bring it in up to a month early if it passes we can add it on if not gives us lots of time to sort it out. people turning up at 4.30 when there booked in 1pm freeking nobs but i need to be at the fucking air port tomorrow, co.k suckers maybe i should try anther garage from now on, yeh pissing do that ya bellends, see you back here once you've had a proper bill ya f..k wads.
    other than that all good. :smile:
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  8. Just got these babies for this coming Sunday!
  9. finished with my woman cos she couldn't understand my mind.
  10. I've been trawling flight sites since late yesterday afternoon to try and book a flight to/from Pennsylvania in 4 weeks time. It's a bloody nightmare getting one I want that will fit with my clients dates and timings. Cos every time I think I have it sorted they change something and by the time I go to book it the flight I want has gone. And I don't fancy flights that take up to 44 hours because of long overlays.

    I've given the job to a professional company to sort out! Maybe.
  11. BT do flights as well?
  12. Went to work on my newly taxed, mot'd and a new back tyre'd Hyper.....there it is, waiting in the car park outside my window for a "spirited" ride home.... 20140411_100940.jpg
    Plus its Friday and sunny which is always a good thing....
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  13. You keep hanging in there Phil,you never know what is round the corner.If you get desperate you can join my 'Billy no mates Club'.We are a very friendly, or is that friendless ,club.
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  14. I know you're a powerfully built jet setting company director, for whom planes are de riguer-get on and turn left- but why don't you just get a train,and taxi from Bath Spa -be much simpler...

    What is the origins of Pennsylvania, near Bath UK?

  15. Well today I have been very industrious. I've finally booked a business trip to the USA as the cost of flights were spiralling out of control. Since yesterday evening the cost virtually doubled. :confused:

    And also I have been proposing and chasing a £1m expansion of the contract I secured recently. It looks promising, so fingers crossed on that one :upyeah:
  16. I wish. I'm working class :)
  17. Bought some carbon. Knocked off early. Cut the grass. Flew a chinook.
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  18. Pretty much finished invoicing out our best ever month ! It will take some beating but you never know. Any how my XKR search is on, trouble is the more you pay the more you lose year on year. I am always so bloody sensible with my hard earnt !
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  19. Just about to jump in the shower to get ready to go out. Got a nice day planned today.

    Where should I go? Decisions, decisions :)
  20. Waiting for mate and Van to arrive so we can go to GTEC to pick up my freshly serviced motorcycle.
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