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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. This morning I went to the Houses of Parliament. I was invited to the launch of Sharia Watch UK in House of Lords Committee Room 1, hosted by Baroness Cox. It was interesting.
    Sharia Watch
  2. Got my O license approval today ! Second lorry on the road for may.
    Daughter at work day as well I didn't realise how much I swear during the day. I obviously get over excited !
  3. Another wenoto order. I'm not going to add up how much this CBR is costing, as I suspect it's going to be sizeable. There will be an order for mototorro and one for a graphics company in Bulgaria in the next couple of weeks, too.
  4. Nothing yet !
  5. Collected a Dorso 1200 last night with my mate (as earlier stated) ironically we were standing on the side of the road waiting for the gps to tell us where we were and a bloke went by on a 10 ninety something I think (may have been an 848 - a black one anyway) and gave us a wave...

    Im amazed some people keep bikes for such a short amount of time, when we went to collect it there was a few of them there - one had an 848 for 200 miles (bought it on 50 miles) the dorso had just 1500 on it with the original tyres on there. It looked like it hadn't even done that....looked like it had just come out of the crate! The lad with the 848 said that he's been riding bikes for years but never keeps a bike longer than a year and therefore has no, no claim's bonus....
  6. It reads as unforgivably racist to me and as extreme as the position it claims to guard against. Is there a Christian watch to see how Christians are influencing the government and sneaking their agenda in to people's lives?

    I was considering moving to a small village with my family, but decided not to as the only schools available within 20 miles were CofE schools with a heavy religious agenda. I'm not happy with my kids being preached to about any religion but it appears to be perfectly acceptable to the state. Also, these schools are legally allowed to discriminate against prospective pupils based on their religion and attendance at christian services. Despite being the only school choice for miles and miles.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. That's not been my experience, I have two children at a village CofE primary school, we are not practicing Christians, the religion is there but low key, the school is exceptional, and both my kids have thrived. None have been brainwashed, just educated with some decent moral values, cant see anything wrong with that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I don't want my children to go to a school based on any religion at all. The only exposure I want them to have to religion is in Religious Education classes that provide a broad, unbiased view of all religions when they are old enough to understand the concept of organised religion and doesn't tell my children that what they are saying is TRUE. I don't find it acceptable for teachers to tell stories to my children, presented as fact, that I believe to be untrue and counter productive to free thought.

    I'm more than ok with religion in other people's lives and I'm glad I live in a society where people are free to choose what, if any, religion to follow. Unfortunately for my kids, I'm in charge of what they get to believe until they are old enough to decide for themselves and I will not have their view skewed by the subtle presentation of christianity as fact.
  9. You'll miss out then. The highest performing primary schools tend to be CofE aided village schools with a wealthier middle class catchment area.

    Even if you decide to privately educate them most prep schools provide a Christian education
    • Agree Agree x 1

  10. heres an interesting (varied opinions) thread/discussion on agile, and also has some suggestions for reading material , which may be of some help to you.

    Bcs Agile foundation/practitioner
    #11250 TT600, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2014
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  11. If true, then it's a shame that religion can affect education so strongly. The two should be completely separated, with christianity presented as an option among many options. I'm not suggesting that you are wrong for sending your kids there, I'm just saying I don't want my kids to go there.
  12. Once you have a tour of the schools you'll probably have a slightly different opinion!
  13. I doubt it. I will not be sending my children to a school with a Christian ethos, just as I would not send them to a school with any other kind of religious ethos.

    This is what they say on their website:

    "Our shared vision is that every child who leaves this school will have had a high quality education and has gained the skills to become a life-long learner; they will have developed values, based on Christian ethics, which will inspire them to play a valuable part in their personal, family and community lives.

    Our aim is to be an outstanding school at the heart of the community, promoting Christian values and providing high quality education where the needs of the children are always the primary concern."

    Remove the Christian part and it's perfect.
  14. Be grateful you don't live in the US then. Christians there are barmier than all other religions put together.

    And they're not very "Christian" when it comes to dealing with their fellow human beings. And they don't get the irony either.
  15. any school will have some sort of religious education.
  16. We live in a Christian country, right?! Yet it hasn't stopped many youngsters in particular being atheist or humanist or whatever tag we wish to use. And without an understanding of religioen, how can anyone make a choice as to if they believe or not?

    And what are christian ethics? Forgiveness, generosity, honesty...who wouldn't want their children following that :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  17. I tend to see those "good" attributes as humanist. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. And the 10 points go to....exactlly! You say tomaRto....vicar say tomaYto...still round and red and squishes if smacked on your wife's naked ass
  19. Thanks for the vision ;)
  20. I've clearly stated that I want them to be taught about all religions in an objective way. I don't want a religion to be a founding principle of the school they attend.
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