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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I rode my bike to work, clearly a huge error. It pissed down all the way here and hasn't stopped since....
  2. First rule of riding your bike to work...always check the weather forecast.
    Second rule, there isn't one!
  3. I know, massive amatuer, funnily enough...... All the other Ducati's here have been left at home today!
  4. Wrong! We most certainly do not. For the pros and cons of that controversy, see:
    Seems abundantly clear that, by most measures, the answer is no. Thank god.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Race has got nothing to do with it. People of any race can be muslims, or christians, or atheists. And people of any race can try to impose sharia, or can oppose this.

    There are people who want to destroy democracy, free speech, equality and human rights; and there are other people who want to preserve and promote those things. Are you really saying those positions are equally extreme?
  6. Any moves to undermine secularity must be defended vigourously. At the end of a rifle if necessary.
  7. reading that post on sharia. scarry stuff
  8. Yes there is. Several groups such as the National Secular Society (of which I am a keen supporter) and the British Humanist Association strive mightily to reduce the specially privileged influence in government, and the agenda-sneaking, of various christian and other bodies. Religious power over schools is a major area of contention, as it has been for many years. Islamic influence is a very recent threat, but seems to be rapidly growing - hence the need for new initiatives to expose it.
  9. Unless youre going to wales in which case the forecast doesn't really matter as it normally starts raining as you go over the bridge....
  10. And the rest of us are not politicians or civil servants ;)
  11. I am glad there is a Sharia watch, although it should be completely unnecessary.
    From a rapid read of the website suggested, it appears they have a problem with the following:
    Sharia Law - on the basis that it is discriminatory (against women and non-Muslims, notably).
    Sharia Finance
    Halal Food

    The arguments advanced for finance and food seem to be the same - that the industries go to finance terrorism and are uncontrolled. That doesn't seem to me to be a credible basis for being against it in a blanket fashion. If you want to invest your money according to sharia rules and with dodgy companies - more fool you, but it's your choice. God knows there is enough dodginess in normal finance.

    As for the Halal argument, I didn't find anything about animal welfare in it. But then there are terrible abuses of animals in non-Halal food (cf pork production). So some of that economy goes to fund terrorism. Well that's criminal, but it doesn't have much to do with halal food, any more than if you said that a lot of companies producing organic food funded the Animal Liberation Front. What's that got to do with wanting to eat organic?

    Which brings us to the Sharia Law. I can't see what an alternative justice system is doing in the UK. What legal basis does it have? And if it is voluntary, does that mean that Scientologists should also be allowed their own arbitration structures?

    Still, it's a very shrill website.
  12. We need a new thread about this, or the "What have you done today" thread will get very cluttered. See: "Sharia" thread.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Fair bit of work and picked up a pair of slick race scrubs ready for when I can eventually get round to repairing my bike and fit enough to ride it
  14. Today is my birthday. Well, actually it was in November, but me and a mate are having a joint birthday bash tonight, just so we've got an excuse to get smashed. Looks like around 200 people coming, so it should be a laugh.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Happy belated piss up :upyeah:
  16. you wont get a response out of him for a while yet :Yuck:
  17. Today I was supposed to go and pick up a Diavel to test for the whole weekend, so I could finally make my mind up as to what I want. But it's lashing down, and it's forecast to lash down all weekend so I'd not get the most out of the test run, so I've cancelled.

    And I think I've made my mind up anyway. :)
  18. Enjoy your new 899 then...
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Have a good one, but...200 guests... Your venue will only be half full.... Where's our invite.?
  20. Belated Birthday Wishes.:upyeah:
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