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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. you are such a girl. :smile:
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  2. Test rode a Multistrade S. It certainly has some oomph and having mirrors that gave a really clear view behind was a pleasant surprise. At the end of the ride though, my mind is still screaming sports bike although my body is saying thank you. Perhaps a Pikes Peak as a second bike but not quite ready to let go of my youth.

    I am not a fan of the centre stand though. With the balls of my feet on the pegs, my heels were well and truly fouled by the centre stand. I believe this is missing from the Pikes Peak though.
    #11542 Bobthedog, May 7, 2014
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  3. Watching Eurovision semi finals. There is an extremely cute polish girl doing something interesting with a butter churn........
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  4. I'm 36 on Monday, live in a city and garage my bikes. To get Canadian dollars you can roughly double the numbers

    Ducati 900ss ie £51
    CBR 600 F2 £119
    Seat Leon 20v SE £223
  5. Sat with my foot up.
  6. Since 5pm, I've become a blue-tit parent.

    There I was, having a quiet beer with my next-door neighbour and his apprentice, when I saw a cat stalking around under my bird-box. Suddenly, it went into hunting mode and low and behold, darted under the bird-box, located about 9 feet up, and appeared with a baby bird in its mouth. I was on its case in a trice and it dropped the chick out of surprise. So I picked it up, got the guests to get a ladder out, and put it back in its bird-box.

    Trouble is, the parents seem to have buggered off. The kids are famished and in their eagerness to get some grub (geddit?!) are getting too close to the nest-box hole and falling out. The cat was most insistant and refused to be chased off until another neighbour's cat, who has more or less moved in with us, showed up and sorted it out. But the parents were nowhere to be seen and the babies were famished. I made a phonecall to some bird experts and it became apparent that I would have to take over the feeding. So back up the ladder I went. Repeatedly, with bits of turkey and later mince. I also made a quick check that another bird hadn't fallen out of the box and low and behold, there was another one! So I put it back too.

    Tomorrow morning, I'm going to have to get up at the crack of dawn, see if the chav parents have shown up again, and if not, take the whole birdbox and its at least 5 inhabitants to the bird sanctuary. As if I don't have enough to do.

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  7. My hero /\ /\. :)
  8. Today I have been very industrious in an effort to take my mind off things.

    First thing this morning I was sorting out quite complicated documentation for exporting to Turkey. Mid morning I moved on to doing a draft contract for a good prospect in the US.

    At lunchtime I went home to get a joiner started on fixing one of my garage doors. After lunch I continued with the draft contract and emailed it to my prospective client for comment/approval. Later in the afternoon I arranged flights, cars and hotels for a trip I'm taking to the US in June.

    All in all it was an OK day. Apart from the personal shit that going on.
  9. ET do you do any work or just pitch for business all the time?!
  10. My projects are large capital projects worth on average several million sterling and take several years to come to fruition. In a good year we will do 2 or 3 average sized projects plus expansion or remedial work.

    The project I secured in February is worth £4m.

    I don't sell tins of beans, like some ;)
  11. So you sell the PM rather than be a PM...gotcha ;)

    And my last big win was £384m contract value, if that makes my willy as big ;)
  12. Yeah but I'm obviously not as good as you. I only have about 80% market share of the available market I operate in :)
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  13. Nyaa nyaa nyaa-nyaa nyaa!
  14. Job interview and didn't get it. Feck it.
  15. Shit fella, theres always another :upyeah:

  16. I suppose suggesting half a dozen stuffed ravioli parcels for tea tomorrow would be out of order..........?

    Creative cooking, natures harvest, red in tooth and claw, etc etc .

    I am of course yolking :)
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  17. So selling is easy when you have no competition, eh ;) the Apple model....
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  18. Not meant to be I suppose. Ta
  19. Hey could be worse, you could have got it, found promises were a pack of lies, and be stuck there...
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