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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Nope, it's definitely got to go. Annoyingly I had 2 offers on ebay, but a mate asked me for a look at it. By the time he eventually rocked up and decided it was too big for him, the offers had expired and the blokes had bought other bikes:mad:
  2. bummer. theirs a wee article about shit birds in practical sports-bikes this month don't sound to shit to me.
  3. It ain't, it's a bloody good bike. Don't want to sell it but I need the dosh.
  4. Confirmed! Just got to thrash out rates and we're good to go:Woot:
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  5. So do you need to sell The Blackbird now?
  6. I polished a turd and stuck a Ducati sticker on it.

    I've decided to sell this stunning piece, but I want to give forum members the chance to buy before I put on fleabay.

    This item is a one off, buy I am willing to make more if there is a demand.
  7. Pics please :)
  8. WFH lots done, 4 mile walk with the missus and a beer stop (well it was hot!) and nice chilli dinner.

    Now for ironing, shower and shave as early start so I can be up, showered and out the door in 15 tomorrow at 0530
  9. Consultant at hospital today confirmed my right hip joint is knackered and will need to be replaced:(However I must still keep using it to keep the muscles healthy.:)I will therefore hoist myself onto my bike tomorrow and go for a little run,and worry about getting/falling off when I get back:upyeah:
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  10. Don't run out of petrol, Mervyn!
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  11. Rough day, colleague rushed to hospital with chest pains after passing out in the office (mega low heart rate and mega low blood pressure) while two others are suffering stress related illnesses. Arsehole boss just laughs it off..
  12. i shit you not. storeman at the aforementioned fiat dealership commits suicide by hanging himself in the workshop, when there cutting him down the owners first words why the f,ck did he have to do it here.
    me , iv been fishing again this time down the beach lost two seatrout.
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  13. Appalling, utterly appalling.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Arrived in Athens today after a week in southern Greece & I came across this beauty...what a masterpiece!
  15. bilge pump.
  16. I always make sure I have plenty of petrol Glidd to get me round the short run that I do.I suppose if I did get low I could pull into a petrol station and fall off against one of the pumps and ask someone to push me upright again.I can't manage to ride the MH900 now,which is a pity.The riding position is far to hard on the leg and neck.Will take it out though when I have been repaired.:upyeah:I have put a lowered right side footpeg on the bike I take out-it helps with the position of my right leg. :)
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  17. Mervyn Here's an Idea for you, get yourself a little bike , something like a 125, so easy to ride and get on and off and move around. So instead of feeling daunted with the weight of your big bikes, you could still get out for a ride.

    I spent a week at this years T.T hooning around on a borrowed Yamaha 125, Thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was on it and watched as people were struggling to park and manoeuvre their larger bikes, whilst I effortlessly rode into much smaller parking spaces and put it onto the main stand with barely any effort.
    And because the speed limits are strictly policed, I found that with the exception of the unrestricted mountain section, I was able to stay with everyone else, by planning every move and maintaining speed into the corners.

    Give it a go mate, you will love it!
  18. Hi John.What a cracking idea.I will have a butchers at what you suggest.Sounds like a plan.:upyeah:
  19. [​IMG]

    Here's my little beauty, very kindly lent to me by The mother of Steve Hislop's kids. A truly superb little motorcycle and such fun to ride.
    I found that there is so much fun to be had riding a smaller bike to its full potential , than being stuck in traffic , overheating and getting frustrated because I couldn't get a move on, and when I scraped the foot pegs at the gooseneck in front of hundreds of spectators I felt as good as John McGuiness!
  20. And yet worth considerably more than yours...
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