If you're in the fast lane and concerned about how close the car behind you is...do us a favour and pull over would you, you're holding us all up
It was 8am and pretty heavy traffic, so I couldn't have changed lanes even if I wanted to. Plus the limit is 70. If you're up my arse in the outside lane and there's no where for me to move to; it's you at fault, not me. Relax, be patient and I'll move when it's safe. I hate tailgating. I drove from Salisbury to Norwich and back today. 4hours each way with an hour and a half for a funeral in the middle. I saw one crash, one almost crash and uncountable incidents of dangerous driving. Almost every time it was a woman behind the wheel or a pensioner. If you don't have the confidence to operate 2 tons of four by four, and you don't know the rules of the road, and if you can't follow the rules you can remember in between playing with your phone/radio/makeup/handbag/shit then don't bloody drive!!! You're going to kill some one. The middle lane is not for sitting in. If you are being undertaken by everyone, you're probably in the wrong lane. Bloody car driving women and old people!!!! Argh!!!!!!
I agree with Tom here but in his rant, he left out men and young people. They are a dozy bunch o' fuckers, too.
I would agree with you, if I hadn't deliberately looked to see who the driver was every time I saw someone do something mental: women and old people. 90% / 10% split
Oh dear...'and the limit is 70' the statement of an outside lane laggard who loves to hold up everyone behind
The legal limit is still 70 Bradders, you want me to commit any other crimes on your behalf? If 2 vehicles occupy the first two lanes, one over taking the other, and my vehicle is still going faster at 70mph, you want me to slow down so you won't be inconvenienced when you come flying along at 90mph? If road users moved back in to the near side lanes after an over take like they're supposed to then this wouldn't even be an issue. The alternative being that all lanes are full and it's not possible/unsafe to change lanes
You can nip up the middle on a bike so it doesn't count plus you're making your own decision to go fast when you deem it safe and appropriate. You're not being pressured in to it by someone else's impatience
Bloody Ducati riders! Edit: You're also missing the point of what I'm saying.... If I could 'get out the way' I wouldn't be in youre way. I'd either be over taking someone, thus having a car on my immediate left or we're all in heavy traffic and there's nowhere to go