So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Can I claim anything Melvin has cooked?
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  2. A change...from one of the best bikes in the world!!
    That's like swapping Millia Jovoich for waynetta slob!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Sorry not a duval fan here.

  4. Ooo very nice :)
  5. Popped out for a ride up to the 'Super Sausage' with a mate for a spot of brunch. Lovely day - actually hot in the sunshine...!

    Passed a black 999/749 going the other way on the way back to Hemel. Always good to see :)

  6. I took these photos today of judges processing from Westminster Abbey into the Palace of Westminster.
    Circuit Judges.jpg

    Supreme Court Justices.jpg

    LC&LCJ crossing road 2.jpg

    LJJ of Appeal.jpg

    High Court Judges 3.jpg
  7. It's like when Primary School Teachers take a group of kids out of school :)
  8. Today I have been mostly thinking about whether I actually want/need a Scrambler. :)
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  9. Today I lay waste to literally dozens of skulls .... scores of them. Smashed in the head of every driver who has aggravated me. I must have killed a hundred of them as they dozed, blissfully unaware, behind the wheel of their car. I wish I could have slaughtered all of them.


    Well, that was a nice pipe dream. Today, I drove around a lot in my car or in the company's pool car. I found it all rather annoying.

    I have got to get one of my bikes back on the road, soon. Got to, or I won't be held accountable for what happens next.
  10. You will, you know.
  11. No. No I won't.

    *places fingers in ears*
  12. Sam
    same here, I'm considering selling a bike to go towards paying for it, I never sell bikes, they just collect in the garage. Actually that's wrong, I sold a BMW F650GS it gave me tinnitus!
  13. I finished a 14 day diet today

    it only took me two days, 12 hours and seventeen minutes
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  14. Been checking my iTunes for an invoice for a U2 album I didn't order only to find it's free and been sent to iTunes accounts and can be downloaded from the cloud
    Great album if your a U2 fan
    I believe it's only available until middle of October :)
  15. Love the bike chap :)
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  16. Picked up a new Transit today for my Transport Manager, what a brilliant van !
  17. Thinking quite the same , depends on the price ie. if I think it's value for money and the actual physical size, also do I like it in the flesh.
    Also Will the wife mind if I buy another bike ? No. 4 is on order ! :upyeah:
  18. Put deposit down on a tidy T5 Transporter. Next years trackday transport all sorted. :)
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