Me n SWMBO have decided to retire to the South of France in the future so house hunting. Will look to buy next year, do it up if need be and hope to move permanently in 5-8 years
in our dreams.:smile: another quite day, gonna get my fiat coupe finished this week, only taken me about a year.
It's days like these, when I'm sat in bed with my computer on my knee, that I really regret not buying a laptop
MSP foundation exam out of the way, instant results, needed to pass to take tomorrow's, did that quite comfortably, tomorrow the Practitioner exam, this one I am not confident about and I will have to wait a few weeks for the results. I'm glad my job doesn't depend on it.
I phoned my wife today and asked "Where are you ?" "In the kitchen " "Well you'd best come into the lounge and see how much this feckin phone bill is"
Second exam completed today. At the start the Invigilator reads outs the do's and don'ts and state there are no trick questions.what there was though was several questions with double negatives in. When you're up against the clock you don't need them, I began to wonder what the examiners were actually testing! Anyway, it is whAt it is and I have my evenings back.
Dreamt I was back in Qatar. Possibly tracked down some forks for my 750. Paced myself at work in readiness for next week's punch-up. Discovered No.2 son had got himself to work OK this morning and wasn't sitting in a wrecked car in a ditch (Communication is key! ) Annual check-up with Doctor has given me another year to live. Yay. Made an appointment with the Doc regarding my hip - I'll be asking for an upgrade of painkillers, please. Got winked at by a woman at work who I completely fancy. Twice. Played with a thing called a "smartphone". Anyone have one of these?
Changed 9 sets of rad valves, new bath and basin taps, replaced internals on the shower mixer, removed 1 radiator and serviced the boiler, not a bad days work for the plumber, I went down the cafe !
Had a mate called Jack Shit. We were in a bar when Jack (not yet christened Shit) farted loudly. An old Italian man took issue with him and said in a fab Italian accent which I have no idea how to type 'you are a shit, youa fart in front of the ladies, you are a shit!' At which point we simultaneously came in with a chorus of - Ah! Jack Shit. He's been that ever since...