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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. :Muted:
  2. My wife told me today, that her friends husband (he is around 60 years old) has finally retired from his diving job in some arab country - something to do with pipelines.

    Her words were "Now he's retired, he won't have to go in them compressors anymore"
  3. Today I visited T E Lawrence's cottage at Cloud's Hill, Dorset:

    TELawrence - Clouds Hill.jpg
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  4. This is the garage Lawrence built to keep his Brough Superior motorbike in:

    TELawrence - garage.jpg
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  5. ... and this is the Greek motto carved in the lintel over the front door. It is usually translated "What do I care" :

    TELawrence - front door.jpg
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  6. it is an interesting visit that one. (No toilet in the building, just a bath and sink - he went for a walk into the woods, IIRC). Visited that last year and came back out to a flat back tyre on my bike.

    Have you read the book by Michael Korda , of his life? I found it a very good read.
  7. Wow, didn't know you knew him - did you both go for a spin on the bikes :Wideyed:
  8. Me too.
  9. There have been many biographies of Lawrence, and I have read a few. The early ones were hagiographies; then there were some iconoclastic books; and finally the later ones were syntheses of good and bad, his strengths and weaknesses, his successes and failures. I don't think any one biog is quite enough.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. First thing this morning me and SWMBO finalised and signed our wills. Then I bought some foodstuffs from the Kwap next door to the solicitors to make sandwiches today.

    In about an hour I will be heading out from the office for meetings this afternoon. I'm hoping I can get home early for a kip before I have to go out this evening for dinner in Manchester.
  11. I think I've just been added to a will as a major benefactor :Happy:
  12. This sounds a bit premature. You haven't yet asked me for my home address.
  13. not really. i have met him. surprised he left it so long. :smile:
  14. funeral,, i hate them
  15. house valued

    time to get a shift on
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  16. Not punched anyone at work today! It's taken much self control. It's being one of those days where I'm surrounded by idiots!
  17. I discovered what white brain cells do. They are the cells found in the brains of women which cause white noise.

    I also re-discovered the enhanced ability of women with respect to communication (aka WON)*

    Seriously, someone was close to getting a STFU&L instruction from me today. I ended up walking away from them (instead of punching them in the blowhole). FFS.

    WON = Wall of noise
  18. Just had an apple donut, contemplating the Borders biscuits left over from the meeting next door
  19. I am contemplating a rum baba. There is a cake shop almost next door.

    I'll see how I get on with this temptation. Feeling a bit peckish.
    Were I in the UK now, I suspect that I'd be zooming around to Pret à Manger for their lemon cheesecake.
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