Insulted the God of Architects and placed a curse on all their pencils. Issued a report for a planning submission as draft only to be told by them oh the plans have changed very slightly and you will need to change the ones inlcuded in your report for the new ones. New ones???? FFS. They change everything. Had to rerun 15 calcs, umpteen spreadsheets and reword the whole report as its due for submission in the morning. PLUS i note on the plans theyd been changed 28/08? The fucktards sat on em for over a freaking month and the day before submission they tell me. I tell you architects are a bunch of nob ends. Ive finished it but i am gonna make em sweat by issueing it at 8am tomorrow. Plus it eeks out more fees. Thatll teach em.
Hmm. That could be worth trying, although cheesecake is my favourite sort of cake/desert. Almost unknown here in Switzerland. Which is bad news except for my waistline.
I can stand it - my mate Jane is coming over tomorrow to cook an evening meal, kin bitch will be have some too she's 6 foot and size 8 to 10 so can eat it without worrying too unfortunately. And she has nice boobies :Happy:
I miss my Saab! Today I rode for the first time since 27 August,which is when my multistrada fell on my leg and broke it. So frigging good to get back on,feel human again,took it to St Neots mcycles for heated grips change under warranty,and fitted a new lower seat to boot. Only to find out that the new Multistrada due out early next year has variable seat high,low enough even for me!
Fry ups are the best. You can shove your vegetables and yer salad where the sun dont shine. Double Linc sausage, black pudding, haggis, lorne sausage, bacon, eggs, beans, two of toast and a mug of tea. I'm freaking ravenous....roll on 5.30...