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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I am helping chef in the kitchen
    Mmmm pizza made by my daughter from scratch
  2. Hello my favourite Boobie-o-sapien :)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I didn't know she lived in Scratch.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Bit tight on the Peperoni, does she take after her mam ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1

  5. I'm thrifty lol
    There is chilli chicken on there as well
    She made 2 and shared the pack after we ate some :)
  6. It's hiding under the cardboard.
  7. Went to London and joined 1000s of people viewing the Poppy display at the Tower of London commemorating the Great War. I am of an age to have had a grandfather (who I remember) who fought in France before being invalided out in 1917 so the display has a significant meaning for me. It might just be a collection of ceramic red poppies but I take my hat off to whoever came up with the concept and turned it into reality. It is amazing. Topped off with a Pad Thai and a few Kirin Itchibans before getting the train home. Andy
    • Like Like x 1
  8. v.nice. cant eat cheese anymore but looking good.
  9. I've had a productive day. Also managed to watch three episodes of Breaking Bad and started my ironing. I might finish it by Xmas :)
  10. Why, what you ironing, your face? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Learned a valuable life lesson. If you work in either sales or account management never ever trust anybody. The snakes I work with chose the day I was having a post op consultation to have a meeting where I would be the obvious looser. Obviously I was unable to object as I was laying in a hospital room. How low can a human possibly be? I'm disgusted beyond words.

    Looks like I'm out of a job
  12. scum.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. I'm appalled to the very core...
  14. it's a rotten business your in. might be a blessing.
  15. Unfortunately sales and/or marketing personnel are often seen as just an overhead. Particularly by bean counters.

    The first casualties when times are tough are sales/marketing people. And only when the business dies off do the bean counters and operational people realise that you need people to knock on doors to get business. By then it's too late.
  16. It's worse than that ET - it was my own colleagues who did the dirty, putting a proposal together, voting on it and getting it approved for their own gain knowing there was only two people who could loose. One was me, the other was a colleague undergoing cancer screening.
  17. You're better off out of there then. Will you get redundancy? Get yourself an airtight reference and start looking elsewhere. It may not look it right now but they may just have done you a favour.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  18. Unfortunately it's constructive dismissal, so no redundancy, but there are a few irons in the fire.
  19. thats a long day, if it finishes at xmas.......
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  20. I would punch them - there is one I wish to punch, I have waited 20 years. When I leave through retirement, my own doing or theirs I will punch him. ;)
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