I don't necessarily have to drink it all, or if I do, not in a hurry. Most of it will be given away, some may even be sold. But I reckon that even if I sold it quite expensively, I'd have been working for a good deal less than a floor-cleaner at MacDonalds. Picking a barrel of fruit takes a long time (unless it's apples) and then preparing it takes longer. Then there is ferrying it to the distillery and picking it up, plus paying the distiller and then paying tax on it to Bern. I only do it for the fun (and to avoid wasting all the fruit).
I spent an hour and twenty minutes fixing a broken clock today. at least, I think it was an hour and twenty minutes
Good day working over at Filton. When I got home I discovered I have won two tickets to watch Bath v Exeter on 27 December. I'm delighted, we gave up the season tickets about five years ago so it will be nice to be back at the Rec.
Can you fucking believe it. Found my torque wrench in the boot of the car. What the fuck is it doing in there? Wife looks suspect and shifty but denying everything. Ive got two now when the new one arrives. Although the new one is better so the older one will go in the campervan.
There is absolutely no reason for it to have been in the boot of the car. Wifey is currently giving a bad impersonation of an innocent bystander whistling inconspicuously...:Shifty: I couldn't go out to test the new clip ons coz I couldn't torque them correctly on saturday. Didnt fancy them twisting forwards under braking. :Hurting:
dude accept it forgetfulness is setting in. i do it in the workshop all the time. stating to sound like my boss when i was a lad, he doesn't realize just how close he came to me jumping on his face when sticking his head out from under a bus, to yell wheres my freeking torque wrench. had it all planed out. push my rd to the door, get my gear on and just wait for the next installment of abuse. i have promised my self if i ever meet him on the street he will get a proper kicking, little pri.k from ferguslie park. dick.
dude accept it forgetfulness is setting in. i do it in the workshop all the time. stating to sound like my boss when i was a lad, he doesn't realize just how close he came to me jumping on in face when sticking his head out from under a bus, to yell wheres my freeking torque wrench. had it all planed out. push my rd to the door, get my gear on and just wait for the next installment of abuse. i have promised my self if i ever meet him on the street he will get a proper kicking, little pri.k from ferguslie park. dick.
I've managed to bollox up my new website, then put it right again after some major faffing about for the past couple of hours. Tonight we're going into Leeds for dinner with no2 son and family as it's his birthday today
Well, once you'd bludgeoned the bloke to death with it and dropped the body in the canal, you should have remembered to take it out of the car. Trying to blame your wife on here when the Law comes round to feel your collar isn't going to be any kind of defence. And don't forget to wash the blood and brain off it.
I used my 1m breaker bar to bludgeon that tory canvasser to death. Not my torque wrench. Theres still bits of his scalp on it as proof. Wifey isnt off the hook yet, especially as she couldnt tell a torque wrench from an ordinary ratchet. Plus its still set at full torque. I always leave mine at the lowest setting. Shes guilty but I cannot prove it. Payment perhaps for stealing her nail varnish remover.
off to Halifax to sign on as a jobseeker this afternoon they want two proofs of ID, bank statements and mortgage statements- at £71 jobseeker allowance a week (if eligible) I've made a decision not to bid for the worlds most expensive watch - only £15million The world's most expensive watches? -Telegraph
You're digging a deeper hole for yourself (unless it's for the person you have done away with). You're wife doesn't know the difference between a torque wrench and an ordinary ratchet but you suspect her of having used it and reset the torque setting? A prosecutor is going to make mincemeat of you.