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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Amazes me how many on this forum are awesome at their job, its just all their colleagues that are shit :Banghead:

    Me, I'm blessed with ones who are awesome and carry me along nicely, and make me look good :Asshat:

    Averted some dramas, very productive day, gym and the worst chilli I've had in a long time. Major disappointment given I've been sniffing the cooking of it in the house all day as its been slow clooking.

    Well life cant be perfect every day now, can it?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Be carful Finn it does 90 mpg and I will be passing your way on Saturday
  3. your more than welcome,
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. I too have had a productive day. Managed to get a load of paper work done. Had conference calls with two clients in the US. Managed to book a biking trip with some friends for July and also a family holiday in June :upyeah:
  5. I work with a couple of guys who are brilliant at their jobs. Their jobs consist of allowing me to do more work than both of them together.

    Obviously, I could try to steal their jobs and then do as little as possible but they are so much better at it than I am :upyeah:
  6. me, i only have my self to blame.
  7. Well, I have to say ... I am most disappointed with the way this thread has gone.
    People are not saying what I want them to say, they're not talking about what I want then to talk about and it's all making me terribly grumpy.
    In fact, I'm so grumpy, I'm going to wink now ;)

  8. Blow your own trumpet why don't ya ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. For now. Yes ;)
  10. And Boobies (eventually I'll feel like this again).
  11. Oh you can't keep a good man down
  12. Keeping him up is more important.
  13. In that case I think I've got a fetish for gingivitis
  14. I remember her.

    She got it.
  15. It was only a sneeze :Banhappy:
  16. Now that would be weird!
  17. Have you never made love to a woman with a cold?:Bag:....keep sneezing baby :Muted:
  18. Well yes, but it was the woman that had the cold. Not the beaver.
  20. wat hapnd there?
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