No, they are 15 miles away but it's an idea. The roof is made entirely from the nasty asbestos type but have had no concerns dust-wise as its been wet both days, more concerned about putting holes in it as I hacked and chopped.
Nasty stuff that asbestos. My grandmother died from asbestosis and it took three months to cremate her
The leaves get ground into a sort of slippery mousse spread unevenly over every road, mainly off the line. Thank goodness for traction control!
i got given a tin of quality street today from a customer. i hope this isn't a sign of things to come
you fellas have to keep your physique somehow. Oh and something has to relace the home-drunk whiskey trade your govt has just destroyed
The wife and I were making love this morning and I suggested that she moan a bit, as I thought our relationship needed spicing up. "you're shit in bed, the ceiling needs painting, when are you going to put those shelves up...........?"
Well, I got very, very drunk yesterday, and I think I've created a monster. A couple of months back I was struggling for work and having a moan with a couple of my mates. 'What we need', I said, 'Is a bloody good drink up. All the brickies, plumbers, painters, tree surgeons, dispatchers, salesmen...anyone who's self-employed and working their bollocks off all year...should knock off early one Friday and meet up for a session'. Lo and behold, International Self-unemployed day was born! 20 pints, a xmas dinner and a punch-up later, I can confirm it was a rip-roaring success Already organizing next year's event...