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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. No, they are 15 miles away but it's an idea. The roof is made entirely from the nasty asbestos type but have had no concerns dust-wise as its been wet both days, more concerned about putting holes in it as I hacked and chopped.
  2. Nasty stuff that asbestos. My grandmother died from asbestosis and it took three months to cremate her
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. constitutional change eh, you will have the Scots to thank for that,:Angelic::smile:,
  4. If not, I know quite a few big ol' beavers round here I can send your way...
  5. yay, it,friday yeh friday, friday yay.you wouldn't think it. know what am saying.
  6. Rode to work and back today , 5 degrees I can cope with but boy were the roads greasy

    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Agree^ leafy back roads around Guildford and Dorking are the worst I've seen for 5 years or more.
  8. The leaves get ground into a sort of slippery mousse spread unevenly over every road, mainly off the line. Thank goodness for traction control!
  9. I've been fairly busy as I was the only one in the office today.

    Tonight I'm roasting chestnuts:)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. i got given a tin of quality street today from a customer. i hope this isn't a sign of things to come
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Well you can't drink and drive up there so you may as well overdose on chocolates:)
  12. chocolate's bad for you. rots yer teeth. and they know it.the feckers.
  13. you fellas have to keep your physique somehow.

    Oh and something has to relace the home-drunk whiskey trade your govt has just destroyed

  14. better then a tin of Sesame Street.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. The wife and I were making love this morning and I suggested that she moan a bit, as I thought our relationship needed spicing up.

    "you're shit in bed, the ceiling needs painting, when are you going to put those shelves up...........?"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Well, I got very, very drunk yesterday, and I think I've created a monster.

    A couple of months back I was struggling for work and having a moan with a couple of my mates. 'What we need', I said, 'Is a bloody good drink up. All the brickies, plumbers, painters, tree surgeons, dispatchers, salesmen...anyone who's self-employed and working their bollocks off all year...should knock off early one Friday and meet up for a session'. Lo and behold, International Self-unemployed day was born!

    20 pints, a xmas dinner and a punch-up later, I can confirm it was a rip-roaring success:upyeah:

    Already organizing next year's event...
    • Like Like x 1
  17. And now I've got to get in the van and drive to Bridgwater:(
  18. that's why i don't do work nights out.
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