So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. meh.
  2. I've had a slight case of man flu today but I've struggled through like a big, brave soldier:)
  3. Go for it, and when you get there just carry on as you usually do, no problem. No chance of being sentenced to 600 lashes and having a hand chopped off. No chance at all, nothing to worry about.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. I've still got my doubts Pete

  5. still, there would be the annual "Miss Saudi" contest to look forward to

  6. you can run but ye canny hied El t, you where spotted in brumy land
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Another day another Christmas lunch
  8. A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips ;)
  9. gouging sound from rear of car only when braking - The Good news :- nothing wrong with the brake shoes, The Bad news : - wrong brake shoes delivered. Overall Result = Result
  10. I've been marketing today :)
  11. @Chris a weepy slave cylinder can make the rear brake sound like metal on metal, where they maybe a wee bit damp?
  12. no what you mean but all was dry and dandy - only thing I could spot was too large a build up of brake dust on the furthest face on one drum with nowhere to go but between drum and shoe. Was glad I didn't have to change them as there's around another 3 mechanisms and springs added to design since I last did a pair : )
  13. yip there not operated with leavers any more.
    or steam.:Angelic::smile:
  14. thought you were going to say initially - Brake Shoes?? what car has them anymore? and try and find a new car with a carb now
  15. yip mind shoes, i can even remember riveting them on, albeit on commercials
    whats a carb?
  16. me too - cheapest way to replace a clutch driven plate on a lot of classics now
  17. aye the good old days.:upyeah::smile:
    spent to much time under old tractors and bailers and shit,step father restored them
  18. What's a carb? The downfall of many waistlines
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  19. To be avoided according to my diet!!
  20. I arranged to have the head gasket on my van replaced under warranty....downside they want it for the week!!
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