So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Have ridden from Basel to a lovely place called predore. Would post pics but I'm a window licker and haven't figured out how to do it on my papple thingy what's it.
  2. Got home from Dubai and been getting ready for arrival of new bike - garage walls have been skimmed, painting is happening tomorrow and floor tiles will be going down

  3. Went looking at garages today. Bloody expensive for a tiny area.

    Problem is, there are just a couple of guys selling so there's a market price where garages sell and an asking price, where they don't.
  4. Dealt with crap at work. Went to meeting in town. Came back and had an antagonistic skype call with a yank. Came home and am sat here with my new helmet on :upyeah:
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  5. Hang-on - I'll go and put mine on as well :biggrin:
  6. I'll be worried when you start trying each others 'helmets' :eek:
  7. Lmao behave
  8. Dave / ET those posts ate useless without pics
  9. *are* even :)-)
  10. Better to leave it to the imagination methinks
  11. Especially if you ARE trying each others!
  12. So, now we're all sat here with our lids on, how the feck are we s'posed to eat dinner?
  13. Liquidiser and a straw :upyeah:
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  14. Corrected for you...
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  15. Just spent 40 minutes in the peeing rain cutting case-savers!

    I refuse to grind anything in the garage, the risk of fire & little bits of metal getting spat everywhere is too great - unfortunately I have taken orders for another four, plus the three I just cut?

    Hectic. :biggrin: Neighbours love me. :upyeah:
  16. spending lots of time wondering if the cute single girl I know is interested in me, or just thinks of me as a friend............
  17. Just ask her
    Wondering wastes valuable time and then you know one way or the other and you can get on or off with whatever happens :)
  18. This might sound revolutionary.....but you could always just ask her.
  19. Beat me to it Viv......:wink:
  20. Unless of course she's underage
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