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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Then you could just take her to France....for a week! :eek:
  2. went for a 19k run,,,,,,started off good then it got very dark and started raining then a thunderstorm by the time I got home I was soaked to the skin. A boat would have been more use than trainers tonight, dont believe how quick the roads flooded.
  3. There's a moral to that story......
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  4. Great minds :-D
  5. Practised more with the band. Friday is approaching fast. We are getting nervous. Can't think why, doubt if anyone will turn up to hear us. Mind you, they won't have to: I suspect you can hear us from 100 yards away.
  6. Are you an oompah band? I do hope so :smile:
  7. Jews harp.
    There are 100 of us.
  8. Playing songpop :) love it!
  9. So do I only thing it keeps crashing to a blank screen on my phone :-(
  10. Well did you ask her :)
  11. very true lol
  12. Well I've just seen Archer limp down the corridor in his VERY flattering hospital gown on the way to his spinal nerve block jab. So armed with his wallet I've hit the coffee shop for a much needed piece of apple crumble cake and a latte :)
  13. I'm pissed off in general. Need someone to cheer me up :frown:
  14. Try cake, it's worked for me :)
  15. I'm not sure that even chocolate would do it, never mind cake :-/
  16. I'm sat at dentist if that's any help
  17. Aarrrgggghhhhh!!!!
  18. You could sit about with your helmet on again.

    Check out Jimmy Saville jokes?
    Eat a lemon cheesecake from Prêt à Manger?
    Sneak off and visit the zoo. (seek out the giant anteater - always good for a laugh).
    You could also send a huge bouquet of flowers to your wife - for no reason at all.
    Go and have tea at the Ritz.
    Eat potted shrimps on brown bread.

    Or go swimming - you'll feel all virtuous and clean.

    Go and buy an electric guitar and an amp

    Loads of stuff to do to feel better.
  19. Well I'm home now, little bit sore, but expected that. Now off to bed for a nap as under orders to rest.
  20. Spent the morning doing training observation on newbie and had a couple of moments thinking about when I can try kitesurfing again after our initial training at the weekend.
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