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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Depends where you live, prices around the country vary so much, I wish I could earn as much as the lads down south earn I would have retired by now, that window took a day to make plus the price of the oak, in total around £200 to £220.
  2. That's no more expensive than plastic ones.
    When I was married we bought an old crossing keepers cottage and replaced all metal windows to wooden
    The cost per window was around 200
    If I remember with doors x2
    8 windows was £2000
  3. No it couldn't, it was a tree. I reckon you've been watching too much teletubbies:wink:

    You're having a laugh, ain't ya? We don't earn any more than you, but we have to put up with a much higher cost of living. The streets aren't paved with gold down here, they're paved with shite, same as everywhere else.
  4. Got back on a cycle bike after 4 months away. Hurt but felt good.
    Looked at kiteboarding kites.... Another hobby, another toy :rolleyes:
  5. That'll be all those nice traveller chappies with their delightful children driving around the urban byways on their ponies and traps!!!
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  6. And figaro the streets are paved with pavement pizzas down here on Saturday night :(
  7. Getting ready to eBay more junk ....
    Hot bath ,breakfast tea at night as I am such s rebel!!!
    And then the tedium of the bay.. Then I get distracted and end up buying something:(

    Had to have one of my fav critters put down as well :( and not seen a soul for 2 days nor tomorrow ..
    One more week til I can ride again pain free ish can't wait going stir crazy stuck at home...
  8. went down to ProTwins, like FE, but not to drop my bike off sadly. Went to return some bits I borrowed and actually remembered to buy pretty much everything I needed. Pete found a couple of used bits I've been looking for, so happy days!
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  9. FINALLY had some sunshine & blue skies and got out on the bike!:biggrin:

    Got down the road to find a very springy/plush rear end???!

    Remembered the screw I found in my back tyre a few days back....


    Arse. Pumped it up and it stayed up, but *fizzed* when I wiped a little spittle on it? Nearly knackered anyways, was hoping for a few more miles before fitting a new Rosso II?

    Will get some tyre sealant tomorrow and slip that in there. :upyeah:

    Spent an hour or two cutting case-savers in the back garden, now have stock lol
  10. That's pluggable, that.
  11. Thought as much? Any kits recommended? :)
  12. Today I mostly rode to the Ponderosa....tidy!
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  13. Nah, just take it to a local tyre fitter. You need a 'mushroom' type plug that won't pull out.
  14. Invested in a tank of vpower and took the 900 out for a good shake down

    60 miles later and a swing by On yer bike no bits have fallen off so far, so looking good there then
  15. Indeed! Not keen on dicking around with it in case it comes out completely at 80+ lol!

    Will take it to my tyre shop tomoz and see what they say? :)
  16. Saw off Troy for his ride from Switzerland to Troyes. It's damp and miserable, raining intermittently. Quite glad he is on the bike and I am in the warm and dry at home. Pity about the weather. If it had been like yesterday I was going to show him some roads in the Jura and try out his 848.

    There's meant to be a fighting cow contest in a neighbouring village today, but cruising around couldn't find any signs of it. So I suppose I'll have to fill in my tax return instead. Too wet to plant my winter onions.

  17. woke early,made love to wife,went to the golf club and cycled 10miles then cooked dinner.

    in reality woke up with hangover got out of bed, scratched arse then balls,had shower,went looking for food.
  18. It's lovely here again
    Ironing up to date washing out
    Now sat with a coffee enjoying the sun and being tormented by the sound of bikes up and down the main road
  19. nice here as well, bike in bits though...doh.
  20. Was lucky enough to get out first thing this morning and put a few more running in miles on my Streetfighter.Met up with a friend on his 955-what a bike, and the sound it made was fantastic!!,
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