been messed about been lied to have no internet access on my home computer spent 2 days in waiting for an engineer to come , no show now might be here next week but not sure , they have cost me a fortune and i'm still not set up :Banghead: i have a complaint which is being look.ed into for all the lies and inconvienence which has been caused
Fug that. I work from home so would either have to spend a week in Costa or (God forbid) actually go to the office! Think I will just stick with Virgin. Best of luck.
Finished work at 2 pm then drove straight to the curry shop, took the food home and now chilling out. Been a long, hard week.
I've been catching up on stuff and getting ahead on stuff so that I don't feel guilty about going away for a week. I had two conference calls with people in the US. They really are a race of space cadets. I've now finished my packing and I'm all chilled and ready to snowboard!!