Well that's my first day back at work after 3 months sick! Spent all day getting the laptop and BT iPhone back up and running, sorted through over 200 emails, completed some safety checks and picked up my replacement van, a restricted Vauxhall Corsa! At least it doesn't appear to have a tracker which is a bonus.
Well done Archer! Remember, it's beer time. Speaking of which, I've just spent six hours driving to collect my track motor from Jim and a bike lift from a bloke in Ashford. Keep bloody forgetting there's an Ashford not too far away and one that's closer to France than London...
Congrats Archer Im working but now I have to have a full work station evaluation ???? I go under next week for new nerve blocks which will be fab and help me for another 8 months and sort one thing out be so glad to jump on bike. I got sent to Occupational Health never had that in all my years of work was scared stiff. But its gone in my favor and I am covered by Disability act now. Apparently they have to understand that one day I am fine and the next I am not. I can work at the moment not crippled up yet
I hope work goes okay for you Archer after 3 months off sick. I sympathise with you He11cat-I too have good days and bad days and have now stopped working.Thank goodness I can ride my Ducati now and again,it always makes me feel better.
Thanks all of you! I'm fortunate in that its a phased return so I'm doing 6 hours a day at the moment ( should be 9 ) and I've got to have a couple of weeks off soon to care for Nicky. Today was my first day of "normal" work, and I must admit after 6 hours I was starting to feel it! Hopefully the aches I felt today will soon disappear and I'll be pain free. Here's hoping we get some decent dry days so I can get out and ride a bit more before the real winter kicks in!
Set off at 0530, dropped bike at CJS at 0730, collected at 1800 all lovely and custom mapped, home at 2130 long day but worth it
So far I've been awake since 4am surfing rubbish and drinking espresso. Later I am meeting with lawyers and corporate advisors. Today is going to be a long day. :-/