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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I wouldnt mind a pair of boobs? Would have some great w@nks! :upyeah:

    Liking the bikeswap/meetup idea tho, although we are running out of Summer (Summer??!)

    Wheres everybody to??

    470four - Trowbridge, Wiltshire
  2. Dropped telephone down toilet!Doh!
  3. Today, I am struggling to get going...................perfectly alright until last Thursday night....

    ....Friday morning 'I think I have a cold coming on'

    ....Saturday ' I have got a cold'......a bad one with aches and pains.....'I think it's affecting my chest...'

    ....Sunday 'It is affecting my chest'.....feeling quite rough....

    ....Monday 'Ah the cold is easing now, but my sinuses are now playing up and my chest is getting tighter...'...Made an appointment with the Doc for Wednesday morning....

    ...Tuesday (today) 'Almost certainly got another chest infection.....let's hope its not pneumonia again....' Now wondering if I can wait until Wednesday for the Doc.....Going ten to the dozen on my inhaler now.....

    B*llox, b*llox, b*llox again....

  4. I did something similar a few years back...

    My keys slid off the top of the cistern, bounced off the toilet seat and - :eek:

    fell down the back of the toilet. :biggrin::biggrin:

    Relieved in more ways than one, I leant over to pick them up.

    My phone SHOT out of the top pocket of my overalls and *plopped* into the still-fizzing yellowness below. :frown::eek::mad:

  5. What are we all like!
    Cooknick hope all goes well
    Wow that's a big op !!!
    But if I needed it I too would have it done!! I wish id had I'm divorced at last party years back!n
  6. Had a shiny thing delivered - whilst many of you have to hide from the missis I have to hide from the boyfriend as he may nick for his 1098
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  7. Al get well soon and please take care o yourself.
  8. Clutch slave?
  9. Yep, been there.

  10. While he's licking your boots and you are whipping him.

    I knew they could be shiny, just didn't know you could get them delivered.
  11. You'd be amazed what you can buy on eBay these days
  12. Ooo hope all goes well
    How's the shoulders doing?

  13. As I've got the iPad, I'll reply on her behalf.. She is lined up for a jab in her frozen shoulder tomorrow so hopefully that problem will be sorted, the hysterectomy will be a bit of a major one to deal with, but with the three of us to look after her she'll be well looked after. I'm sure there will be plenty of updates put on here, but I have passed on your messages and she said thanks to you all.
  14. Ouch - sounds like a whole load of pain - hope all goes well on both counts.
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  15. Oooerr.....that's embarrassing.....anyone might think that we were.......

    Nah............Sorry, that's very nice of you.....

    I reckon it will be back on oral......(steroids) tomorrow.....

  16. Sorry I was just making sure you where ok ...
    Sorry crikey didn't mean to embaress you or get you in trouble :(
    I was just being a bit mother hen as I worry about people :(
  17. Also hope cooknick your ok and hope your op goes well .
    I'm still on morphine ... Which finally is making me feel rather nice and fuzzy now.
  18. This thread seems to verge from the a&e to the s&m on an almost cyclic basis. Can't beat a bit of variety. Just torn my hip flexor at training, but with ice and ibuprofen, I will be right in days, unlike a good many on here.
    #1858 efcbluepete, Oct 16, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2012
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  19. Just so long as it isn't the s&m that's landing people in a&e.

    I assume it's just that we're all so old we're falling to bits. sob!
  20. I'm getting crumbly :) when I was in hospital they did not believe how old I was when I said which was a fab compliment !!! They knocked 17 years off me guessing !
    I myself look in the mirror and add about 15 on to my age .
    My mind is very able but my body is well crumbly now and gone to pot .
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