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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. dunno 1.3k is a big deal.
    will removing and selling a kidney hurt?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Agree, I had an abscess under a tooth and my face blew up like a balloon, nothing could be done until the antibiotics kicked in. Oh and this was over the Christmas break when no dentist is available.

  3. Depends whether the 'victim' is breathing or not.....and agrees with the "sale"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Just pay up ya tight arse. Poor lawyer needs to put bread on the table
  5. You don't need to enter for worst customer service awards :Hilarious: :p
  6. :( go to the pub once you've escaped :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Cartagena day 4 has now turned onto Barcelona day 1. Arrived late afternoon on a Veuling flight from Alicante which if I ever have to fly with again, I'll shoot myself. I'm 6ft 4in and my 5ft 4 1/2in girlfriend was strapped for space. Anyway, had a sit in the steam room and a swim in the indoor pool before visiting a favourite haunt for a few tapas and beer. Thought we'ed have a nightcap in the hotel bar so asked for a JD and coke for me and an Estrella for my girlfriend. Barman turned up with a beer and a coke followed by his mate a couple of minutes later very apologetically with the JD in a fresh glass. I've got big hands but the measure was bigger than that so I'm going to bed very inebriated. Aches and pains seem to have gone for now and I can't get rid of this silly grin. I'm going to feel ill tomorrow but hey, what the hell, I'm on holiday. Andy
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  8. my arse wont be so tight after i have made the money. :mad::smile:
  9. I've had several of these too, one so bad it was either suicide or self treatment, I chose self treatment, drilled a hole in my own front tooth with a 0.75 mm drill, ooh what relief when the pressure came off, unfortunately it stank to high heaven, but my Dentist was well impressed with my drilling.
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  10. Well i had a long chat with Crust regarding floor tiles and we did some WWW browsing and came up with this.
    No Nonsense Trade Floor Paint Grey 2.5Ltr | Floor Paints | Screwfix.com
    Screwfix No Nonesense Grey floor paint. Seems people are happy with it going straight onto a concrete floor. Dries well and quickly...
    So I shot into Screwfix and the bloke reads what I want and says
    "Do you want grey or red?"
    "WTF, Red ? Ducati red ? " (is he kidding ! what the fuck do you think I want) errrrrr... "Red please."
    Whipped most things out of the garage and cracked on with the painting. It's pretty decent.
    Phase 2 is on Weds which is masking up the bottom brick height and painting the bottom brick and making it all neat and tidy. Little bit of touching up stuff where it's not quite gone fully into the concrete and obviously moving the workbench and sorting the last bit under there and the feet. I'll then re-asses it and decide if it's getting a 2nd coat this week. But obviously time constraints are coming into play as we're fully moving house on Saturday... so, not sure yet.
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  11. Red isn't a good choice.

    What if you drop a fairing on the floor - how are you going to be able to find it again?
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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Ugh! Hâve you ever met him?
  13. If your meaning ET yes I have had the pleasure of meeting him :)
    #19133 Ducbird, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
  14. kiss ass. :smile:
  15. I thought he was a mythical beast - like the Cretan Minotaur.
  16. Your just jealous ;)

  17. As long as decals on he should be ok :)
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  18. Gawd I got to go to the dentist in a mo
    No likey I'm nervous :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. I've had a three-hour ride down to LouigiMoto where the bike is staying for a few days to be serviced by Rich and ECU mapped by Chris of CJS fame. I'm a West Country boy myself so just staying the week with family, picking the bike up on Saturday...
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