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So what have you lot got planned this week?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. If I get a go on the Brough it will be:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. We will need photographic evidence of course :smile:
  3. Work work work and more work oh and out on the piss in Birmingham with work on Friday night happy birthday El T :cool:
  4. Sod the deposit.
    I bought it. :biggrin:
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  5. Happy Birthday El T!

    Ha! And you thought I'd forget!

    If I was reading between the lines, I might conclude that it is also Shadow's birthday too, in which case, many happy returns to you too.
  6. Nice one :upyeah:

    Excellent present to oneself :smile:
  7. Thanks Glid :smile:
  8. Blood test on Saturday, and will try to get out of the house under my own power, if only to the road and back. Need to put the new tax disc in the car as well.
  9. I've got a new tax disc to go on the bike. But I've been putting it off for the past two weeks cos I'm buggered if I know where to put it :tongue:
  10. This is from my nail gun, bit of stainless steel and silver solder to fix it. Hopefully. Will post the results.

    To Do This Week.jpg

    To Do This Week.jpg
  11. When fixed, you could probably use it to affix El T's tax disc to his bike ;-)
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  12. Absolutely.
    Only concern now is going from 80 Bhp to 160, will I make it to the next birthday?
    Will my licence?
    Watch this space :biggrin:
  13. The gun could do it from ten paces out, awesome bit of kit.:eek:
  14. I see how it fits but don't see how the panniers & top box clip on??
  15. the pannier /topbox mounts only available on the supersport version----888 too fast:biggrin:

  16. Oh right! So these are for your walking frame? :biggrin:
  17. FUNERAL (Today)..........

    Not mine, so you can stop the bl**dy cheering....

  18. Lots more laying in bed or on the sofa moaning......
  19. Well I think your entitled to that for a couple weeks.
    Do you need anything
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