Work work work and more work oh and out on the piss in Birmingham with work on Friday night happy birthday El T
Happy Birthday El T! Ha! And you thought I'd forget! If I was reading between the lines, I might conclude that it is also Shadow's birthday too, in which case, many happy returns to you too.
Blood test on Saturday, and will try to get out of the house under my own power, if only to the road and back. Need to put the new tax disc in the car as well.
I've got a new tax disc to go on the bike. But I've been putting it off for the past two weeks cos I'm buggered if I know where to put it :tongue:
This is from my nail gun, bit of stainless steel and silver solder to fix it. Hopefully. Will post the results.
Absolutely. Only concern now is going from 80 Bhp to 160, will I make it to the next birthday? Will my licence? Watch this space :biggrin:
View attachment 8472 View attachment 8473 this week l are mostly making a jig to produce alloy 888 subframes pm if you need/want one Steve B