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So whats Santa bringing you?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. some nice driving gloves?
  2. And matching knob
  3. im on my way :upyeah:
  4. Lmao @ char/wantz

    You two are wicked :-D
  5. Yes - shame gun laws are so tough in the UK though [​IMG]

    He has that Redneck Look that makes you want to shoot first and think later
  6. Lol hahaha Char you are funny :)
    Know what you mean though ;-D
  7. And theres me thinking I was the apple of your eye

  8. Is that one you photoshopped earlier ?
  9. Take me to your leader
  10. Fuck All. Christmas is shite.

    A Handbag (UK) !! A Handgun (US)!!

    Wtf do the USA allow so much bad stuff in the name of freedom?

    Thousands more people die in the US every year from gun shots than we're killed in the 9/11 atrocity. Surely it is time for common sense, not politics?
  11. Depends on the pants...

    Are we talking safety pants or sexy pants..?
  12. They could ask Santa for some common sense. It would be a start at any rate.
  13. Incontinence pants
  14. Rubberwear, eh?

  15. Which continent? Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia, Africa? :tongue:
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