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So where have you been since Ducatisti went off-line?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Dave, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Been browsing other forums but they lack the depth of British banter/humour that's needed.

    By the way, quality effort on the Hitler vid Dave. - Quick off the mark too. Wish I was as tech.-savvy as you.
  2. Everyone seems to be giving me credit for other people's work today. I didn't create the vids if that's what you mean - I just found 'em on Youtube. I'd seen the first one before but not the others!
  3. Pulling out gold fillings , selling kidneys and polishing shoes at stations , I will get my bike finished this year!!
  4. Well sadly my Mum was diagnosed in late November as having pancreatic cancer, and on Dec 6th it was confirmed to be terminal, so the passing of Ducatisti gave me more time to look after her till sadly, she died on Jan 11th. Had her funeral 2.5 weeks later and just sorting the DD bike out since. I'm sad Ducatisti went, but equally pi$$ed off that it went with no notice...all that info lost, all those pm's lost.....I emailed Dan as he had allegedly said we only had to ask in order to get that info, and never heard a dicky bird. I hope it doesnt come back now tbh, how can you have a website that comes and goes with changes in wind direction?
  5. Sorry to hear about your Mum Nog, but your completely right with Ducatisti.

    This year can only get better from now on all fronts tho m8.

  6. P.S.

    Congrats to the new Crew Chief and good luck to all the Moto Rapido BSB team this year!!!

    Have a safe and successful one....
  7. I've not been very prolific on ducatisti, could never get into it, too many holier-than-thou dudes for my liking. I've been on Multistrada.net, which is nice but quiet, and bikerbabble.com, which is nothing to do with bikes at all and everything to do with taking the pee mercilessly.
  8. I have been in limbo for the last few months since the passing of Ducatisti,
    I too have also joined the DOC and the Legion Riders, but have managed to do bugger all riding or tinkering, roll on the good weather, (as i don't have a shed/garage any more) :(
    This site looks pretty good, so far, and i can see me on it for some time to come :)
  9. I was checking out ISC from time to time, and had also joined Ducati.ms trying to see what was going on.

    Us Sussex/Surrey types had managed to keep in touch with a little email distribution list that we'd cobbled together. It was like a self-help group (and we do need all the help we can get!) but it's great to have a proper forum back again.

    This site is already developing into quite an active little place and is starting to feel good. Now it's here, we can all help to make it a great place to be.
  10. Its as good so far as Ducatisti in its heyday, and I also noticed you can swear on here too ! I MAY have to develop a form of literal terrets.....fuckballsshitbuggerarseholes.....he he .....
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Oh no that's at least five bans in one post.....hope the police don't turn up ;-)
  12. Any forum is only as good as it's members.

    Sadly the Ducatisti members were very poorly let down in the end and shabbily treated by the site owner IMHO.
  13. At the end of the day the man has a private life. And it's his forum, his work; if he's had enough so be it. I don't see anyone trying to buy it off him to resurrect it...
  14. Quite right. Ducatisti didn't have 'members'. It was free to use. If you wanted to you could make a donation to help run the site, but Dan even turned that facility off once he had decided that its days were numbered. I was sad to see it go but on reflection I think Dan made the right choice about the way to end it. I don't know if he intended to close it forever when he suspended it on 10th Dec, or planned to reopen it but then subsequently decided he couldn't face it. Whatever the case, imagine the grief it would have caused him if he had announced it was closing in advance!
  15. To be fair to both sides, I've met Dan, nice bloke and quite right to put his family first, however, he had lots of offers of help and to shut the site with no warning wasn't right to everyone who'd supported it.
  16. Oh, and I was to blame/credit/abuse for the Hitler Ducatisti rant, part 1 :eek:
  17. Bl**dy genius :D
  18. Its funny how you miss things. I honestly looked everyday to see if it had come back on again. What a sad f*ck !!!!!!
  19. Rather sadly I did to. I don't blame Dan for shutting the site down, some of the criticism and comments left me open mouthed at the level of nastiness. However, an update and maybe a 'that's it folks' would have been nice. I met him at Haldon hill last year, he's a really good chap, I wish him well.

    I log onto UKMOC but like another forum as well, looks like this is it.
  20. I hope that the same criticism isn't directed at Rob for getting this one off the ground.........and I hope he looks for Donators as well, becasue from my own experience of my website they aren't that cheap to run and they take up a lot of time.

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