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So Who’s Had Their Cv19 Vaccination And Which Did You Have?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. Oxford-Astra Zeneca

    84 vote(s)
  2. Pfizer-Biontech

    25 vote(s)
  3. Moderna

    6 vote(s)
  1. Had the Pfizer almost two weeks ago, so did my wife. She had a really tired day but other than that no I’ll effects so far as we’ve noticed. We both had Covid last April/ May.

    Interestingly my wife had an antibody test a week or so before the jab and she still had antibodies showing, which has got to be a good thing.
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  2. Got mine on Sunday next, will keep you posted.
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  3. My wife is having hers tomorrow at our local surgery, she's not quite 70 so maybe they are really getting through the top tiers.
  4. I’m going to report my side affects via the government yellow card
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  5. I got the Covid 21 from a lovely gentleman with an accent from the Emerald Isle who came knocking at my door, said had a few left over from a local job, so going for a song. He told me it was already the updated model, hence Covid 21 . He was so nice I couldn’t say no.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  6. I'd never heard of that until now. Thanks.

  7. that’s the one I mentioned earlier.

    well I said yellow anyway. It’s been bugging me ever since that I couldn’t remember it
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    • Love You Love You x 1
  8. got mine next Monday which came as a shock, didn't realise they were doing youngsters already.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Big shout out to all for taking it. Sooner we kick covids ass we get our life’s back
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  10. I'm miles down the line I think but do you get some kind of card/passport you can show people saying you've had the jab?
  12. Wife had astra Seneca, flu symptoms for 2 days.

    I had Pfizer, sore arm.

    Had what I'm pretty sure was my 2nd dose covid in December which was much milder (as compared the pneumonia type I had first time) but also neuro invasive.

    I'm ready for a pint in a pub with friends now.
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  13. Oxford last saturday. No ill effects.
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  14. Yes you get a card with your name on, the “brand” of vaccine given, the batch number, and the date it was administered.

    There’s also the same underneath for the second appointment.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1

  15. It’s not a passport though.

    it’s literally a paper/card appointment card.

    They don’t even have your name on them or any official tag/I.D

    #35 Advikaz, Feb 12, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. So surprised that many of you youngsters in Engerland have had your jabs, you must be in the vulnerable catergory or frontline health workers . My wife had her first jab through her employment back in early December still waiting for her second and until she does she is staying away from her job in a care home, she is a bank worker by choice. I am a few months off 70 and am still waiting for my first jab. I feel the roll out in Wales hasn't been thought out that well, they should have looked at the household when allocating the jabs, as a result my wife will be away from her very important role within the care home, because i am unprotected we are not going to risk it. All the while she has no income whatsoever but more importantly the dear old folk are missing her doing their activities with her.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I'm in face to face contact with a few hundred health students and in and out of 5 hospital Trusts. I didn't leap at it but was encouraged by my employer because of the high risk of being a transmission Vector to so many clinical areas.

    Agree about the household thing. Both my folks and in-laws are all half vaccinated/half not for one reason and another.
  18. The thing is if we had known about this gap within households, my wife would had forgone her jab for someone else more vulnerable. She would have hunkered down with me the same as she has done for the last year and waited for us to be done together.
    Now Wales have achieved the first four groups to be offered the jab, its my group next............. great slowing down and shutting down some hubs because of supply issues. Tee tum tee tum.
  19. My wife has been classed as clinically vulnerable because of a health condition. And that’s on the basis of a particular course of meds she’s on atm.

    I’m (apparently) her main carer, which is laughable. So, as her “carer”, I was offered one a few days after her.

    If this gets us back on the road to some normality then I’m all for it, because like millions of others I’m fed up of this disproportionate (IMO) reaction to this “pandemic”, along with the financial corruption that the government is promoting.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Disproportionate reality is what i am fed up with Tel, back on the good old Isle of Wight my dear old Mum, my two siblings and their husbands have all been jabbed and on the wifes side and the majority all under 70 and none of them work, don't get me wrong for every jab going in an arm that's a step forward to getting a grip with this shitfest.
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