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So who is still at home quiet drink glad when its all over…….

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. my heads fine, i just cant focus right now.
  2. I have had two of them..........Either the daftest dogs in the world, or maybe the most intelligent..........
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  3. I stayed in last night and did absolutely nothing special. Reason being I had 4 nevus (skin moles) removed on the 30th. They were done with a cauterising process, hurt like fu€k and now there are blackened pits on my back and face. The one on my back was the size of a 20p and 4mm deep! So right or wrong I figured missing out on the fun was probably best... and it was £200.
  4. Four more days off yet.. :)
  5. I've just finished another bottle..........on top of a Scottish and Dry...........

    And I've got two bottles of rum to start as yet.......:biggrin:
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  6. aint life a bitch ;)
  7. One bottle of rum left now...........but I have just found a litre bottle of Gordons Gin......:biggrin:
  8. hows all that alcohol effecting what with you being a sick note n all?
  9. Medications not affected (unless I am on anti-biotics) and they still haven't confirmed the results of the blood test for diabetes yet..........so the only effect I get is falling over.....

    ..........spirist are always drowned in Coke or Ginger Ale etc....

    .........PS..........I never drink and drive...........................................I spill too much.
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