
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Borgo Panigale, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. "In terms of" another commonly used filler now too......
  2. Dont forget
    Bubbling up.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I once heard this described by Stephen Fry as "the moronic interrogative".

    Now, how about "going forward..." ?
  4. Remember; Eats, shoots and leaves?
  5. you know what i mean………..that gets me. if i know why are you telling me…..
  6. Remember as a kid my mother used to go mad everytime I used to finish my sentences with either "do you know what I mean?" or "sort of":biggrin:
  7. So fucking what.
  8. I like to start with 'yea no' and finish with 'yea no'. I find it covers all questions and answers !
  9. so, eh that's me done for the night I'm aff hame.
  10. "Mute" point...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!
    Off my own "back"....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhh!!!
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