If ever someone deserved to be called "swivel-eyed" it is Ed Balls. His views may not be what many want to hear, but Daniel Hannan does make a good speech (lots of clips of him on Youtube - especially the famous one when he tacked Gordon Brown in the European Parliament), and I am sure he's a much more amenable person than Mr Balls. Ask yourself which one of them would be more pleasant to have a pint and a chat with perhaps... I gather that Ed Balls and Ed Miliband never do that with each other, perhaps because Ed Miliband does not appear to enjoy real ale: Ed Miliband: The Man Who Hated Bitter - Guy Fawkes' blog
Douglas Carswell's latest blog Douglas Carswell | Home What is ultra right wing or swivel-eyed about that ? He is merely pointing out, correctly, that the left have gone loopy.
Ed "Blinky" Balls, now there is someone who really is swivel-eyed, he make Yvette look positively sane Guido Fawkes is my hero
Douglas Carswell has a tenuous grasp on even the simplest of facts. He seems to imagine that it is enough merely to put forward some nonsensical assertions based only on his own prejudices. If the Conservative party adopts his line, they will not just lose the 2015 election, they will be out of power for a generation. If you are in favour of that, it is something we can agree on.
There are many interesting posts in this thread, but I still don't understand what any of them have got to do with capatilism.
Let's start with his first sentence shall we: "The polls have narrowed. Labour's lead has evaporated to between 1 and 2 per cent." This is simply not the case. As it happens several recent polls have shown a Labour lead of anywhere between 5% and 9%. Carswell just makes up this nonsense as he goes along.
From the Grauniad Support for Labour shrinks as faith in recovery grows, ICM poll finds | Politics | The Guardian next ?
I think the next election will be quite simple. If the economic indicators are good, the Tories will be elected. They will say (and it will sound credible and may even be true) "Labour created a total mess for us to inherit. We sorted it out. It was painful, not easy and no fun, but it had to be done and we did it. Things can only get better." Labour won't be able to argue against this. On the other hand, if the economic indicators aren't good, the Tories will be equated with austerity and couldn't even get that to work and Labour will be elected. I imagine the Lib Dems are going to drop votes now, as no one really knows what they are for (including themselves) and they don't seem very trustworthy. If things are looking good for the Tories, UKIP will be an irrelevancy. If not, hmmm.
The "Red Ed" moniker makes me laugh. I can't see what's red about him. He's just a pinker shade of blue. What's that, violet?
He looks like a plonker and sounds like a plonker. And ed balls always looks like he's about to deliver the punchline to a joke I don't think much of the dross in power either
It seems we are going to have to take this in very easy stages. Take a look at the figures in the 10 most recent published opinion polls: BBC News - Latest opinion polls Study the figures carefully. Then re-read Carswell's first sentence. Now - can you tell me what you see?