I pulled my Triton ad on ebay today.I don't think I could stand another 3 weeks of non stop morons/chancers/best price mate and other misc weirdos trying to do me a favour. As I said before,where do these people come from?
Mervyn - sorry to hear that but I feel your pain with these arseholes... When out of a job some people start a window cleaning round to make money, others invest in a franchise of offer what skills they have on a freelance basis. Others become 'Amtrads' -Amateur Traders. They base there business model on finding gullible/desperate bike sellers ( bikes are so much easier than cars because you can store a handful of them easily in your back garden ) who you can browbeat down to the 'best price' , So they send out scores of requests for lowest prices a day and over and over again they get their faces slapped- they don't care - it costs nothing and sooner or later some poor sod will bite and accept their offer of 50% of a bikes true worth. Of course, within a week they put it back on Ebay for 110% of the bikes worth...bingo! They just made an easy £2000 or so all for the price of a phone call and a journey in their clapped out transit. Don't loose heart - treat these slimy feckers with the contempt they deserve and ignore them!
Hang on a minute chaps.Buying something at the lowest possible price and reselling it for as much as you can get for it is called,"trade". Every shop you buy from has done exactly the same thing,e.g,that lovely Ducati-branded jacket you just weighed out £600 for probably cost £35 to make and get shipped from China... It's a pain getting these emails but they are not life-threatening,and amongst all the chancers and chavs there will almost certainly be a shining diamond who will pay a reasonable price,be a pleasure to meet,and probably flog you something you've been after for ages...
Used to go on all the time back when the only option was Auto Trader. All flipin' day "I give you velly good price"...
I sell all mine with a classified add as it stops all the knob ends who bid at the last minuet and then change their mind , i always include my mobile so you can chat off ebay and do a deal that suites and not fills ebays pockets