postmen,, I think they are great,, out there every morning , so early and in all weathers to make sure that we all get our mail...
Lawyers now they are people I admire ensuring the rights of the individual are upheld, ensuring that the police are held to account. They ensure that that soldiers that suffer red mist in a highly volatile arena that have just seen their mates eviscerated who then react to that trauma are brought to book. They make sure that any breach or brook of any law pay. Cherie Blair what a dish, ethics and integrity to the fore.
Pete...Pete....PETE...I know why your stash has run dry...He "not yet a man and without hair" has drunk it all!
Right, if we are. Oving into real heros, has to be the press. Break stories, breaking peolpe, breaking scams and corruotion alike. Not a job I would like to do, who has thebottle to doorstep Mrs Jangi who's son has just been murdred in a race crime to get her to sell his story of how he wanted to be a woman? Respeck
Pubic servants. Some right smelly c__ts to work with. All hairy and sweaty. Someones got to clean em up
Honorable members of Parliament get my vote,hereos each and every one of them.They protect us from ourselves and I think that they should get a special pay rise in recognition.Shall we say a 10% increase oh and when they get fired by the electorate,they deserve a nice little 48 odd thousand pound golden goodbye.