you need to sharpen up.....both of you, there aint any sense or any need for any sense or logic in this thread, anything for a poke at Petes pony tail......
The Court Martial deals with those soldiers (or sailors or airmen) who have allegedly broken the law, failed to do their duty, or disobeyed their orders, but they are a very tiny minority. I am proud of what contribution I made towards ensuring they get a fair trial. But the point of my OP was to draw attention to the overwhelming majority of soldiers who obey the law, fulfil their duty, and follow their orders diligently; the Court Martial rarely sees those, and the media doesn't seem to notice their actions unless they become casualties. They give up some of their liberties and their safety so that others don't have to. So thanks again.
I don't recall any postmen creating a playground / training ground for IS in Iraq or in Libya,, if these " heros " were not prepared to hire out their trigger finger to what ever oil magnate or Iluminati mafia banker which happen to be pulling the strings in the US led UN / NATO then the whole world, not just our streets , would not be open theatre for reprisal and revenge attacks .
maybe if you give it a bit of thought even you could understand it, but I am not going to try to explain something which is obvious for all to see,, a little tip tho,, don't believe embedded journalists, ambitious politicians, self interested industrialists or self perpetuating charity organisations..
I haven't got the foggiest idea why we are in Afghanistan or just what we expect to achieve there but that doesn't mean I don't support our armed forces who happen to be there. Don't just toss in a hand grenade and then say that you are "not going to try to explain something".